
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

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The 2014-BMB/MBCP Retreat

Teaching Award

Student Awards


Holiday Party

Elson Fellowship Endowment Fund

Welcome to New BMB Arrivals

Latest Publications
Teaching Award
Distinguished Service Teaching Award

On October 27th, the medical students held a ceremony to honor the faculty that exhibited exemplary teaching skills from the 2014-2015 school year.  Among the awardee's, Dr. Linda Pike received the 2014-15 Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. Pike serves as coursemaster for the first year students' Molecular Foundations of Medicine course. Congratulations Dr. Pike! More....
Student Awards
Sigma Fellowship

Congratulations to Nicole Fazio for being awarded the 2015 Sigma Fellowship in memory of Dr. Gerty Cori. Nicole is a second year graduate student in the Computational and Molecular Biophysics program. She is completing her PhD thesis work in the lab of Dr. Timothy Lohman. The Sigma Fellowship provides funds for educational expenses.

Sigma Chemical Company created the fellowship in 1958 as a gift to the Department of Biological Chemistry (now Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics) in memory of Dr. Gerty Cori. Dr. Cori and her husband, Dr. Carl Cori, performed research in the Department of Biological Chemistry. They won a Nobel Prize in 1947 for their discoveries of how glycogen is broken down and re-synthesized within the body.
Gary K. Ackers Fellow

Congratulations to Brittany Smith who has been named the 2015 Gary K. Ackers Fellow. Brittany is a first year graduate student in the Computational and Molecular Biophysics program. She is currently rotating in the lab of Dr. Greg Bowman. The Ackers Fellowship award provides funds for educational expenses.

The Ackers fellowship was funded by Dr. Paul Darling III, who studied in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences and graduated in 1999. Dr. Ackers served as the thesis advisor for Dr. Darling.
BCM & CMBP Retreat
The Annual BCM and CMBP  Graduate Program Retreat was held on October 23rd and 24th at Cedar Creek Conference Center. Our keynote speakers were Drs. Alexander Barnes, Assistant Professor with the Department of Chemistry; and Peng Yu, Assistant Professor with the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology. Dr. Barnes' talk was entitled "Using Microwaves to Boost NMR Signals and Determine Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics". Dr. Yu's talk was entitled "Structure and Mechanism of Ligan-Acitvated Potassium Channels". Photos...

Talk and Poster Winners

Talk Winner:
Thomas Kraft
-Dr. Paul Hruz Lab

Poster Winner-Postdoc:
Kathrin Andrich
-Dr. Jan Bieschke Lab

Poster Winner-Student:
Chao Wu
-Dr. Katherine Henzler-Wildman Lab

Poster Winner-Runner Up - Student:
Zeynep Yurtsever
-Dr. Thomas Brett Lab

Poster Winner-Runner Up - Student:
Shannon Ohlemacher
-Dr. Jeffrey P. Henderson Lab
Holiday Party
On December 7th, we held our Annual Holiday Party in the King Center located within the Bernard Becker Library. Everyone enjoyed delicious food from Favazza's and Kohn's catering. Santa stopped by for a visit to pass out gifts to all the young children in attendance. Finally, everyone tested their knowledge in the Trivia portion of the night with the theme being Holiday Movies. The competition was pretty steep having three teams in the final tie breaker round. In the end, this year's winners were: Eric Galburt, Ana Ruiz-Manzano, Jay Rammohan & Eric and Kimberly Tomko. Photos
Elson Fellowship Endowment Fund
The colleagues, friends and trainees of Dr. Elliot L. Elson have expressed a wish to establish an endowed education and training fund to honor him and his extraordinary impact on both the Washington University School of Medicine and molecular biophysics. His teaching and research contributions have been far-reaching and numerous.

The Elliot L. Elson Education Training Endowment will be used to support opportunities for students and the very best post-doctoral trainees in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics.

If you would like to help contribute to this endowment fund, please click here.
BMB Department Welcomes...
Partha Karmakar-Postdoctoral Research Associate in Dr. Jim Janetka's lab.
Xianqiang Sun-Postdoctoral Research Associate in Dr. Greg Bowman's lab.
Research Awards

Michael Greenberg, PhD, Assistant Professor received an award from the CDI hPSC Pilot Grant Program to develop models of familial cardiomyopathies using stem cells.
Upcoming Events:

January 12, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Jonathan Schlebach
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
"The Safety Dance: Biophysics of Membrane Protein Misfolding Disease"

January 12, 2016
Biophysical Evenings
Dr. Jay Ponder 
"Computational Modeling of Ligand Binding: Current Status and Future Prospects"

January 19, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Tanja Mittag
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
"The Role of Protein Disorder and Multivalencyin the Organization of the Cell"

January 15, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Anne Robinson
Henzler-Wildman/Henderson lab

January 22, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
BCM & CMBP Interview Weekend

January 26, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Sarah Keane
HHMI, University Maryland, Baltimore
"Structure of the HIV-1 5' Leader"

January 29, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Dr. Saurabh Singh
Galletto lab

February 2, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Richard Hite
The Rockefeller University
"CryoEM Structure of the Slo2.2 Na+-activated K+ Channel"

February 5, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
BCM & CMBP Interview Weekend

February 9, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Ariele Follis
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
"Protein Dynamics Mediate Cell Signaling in Apoptotic Regulation by Cytosolic p53"

February 11, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Andrea Soranno
University of Zurich, Switzerland
"Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Intrinsically Disordered"

February 9, 2016
Biophysical Evenings
Dr. David Piston 
"Quantitative Microscopy of Mechanisms Underlying Hormone Secretion"

February 12, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Rotation Talks: Drake Jensen and Lindsey Steinberg

February 19, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
2nd Annual Chili Cookoff

February 23, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Matt Lew
"Single Molecules and Computational Optics for Nanoscale Biological Imaging"

February 26, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Rotation Talks: Patrick Judge and Cameron Sargent

March 4, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Dr. Melissa Brereton
Frieden lab

March 8, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. James Havranek

March 8, 2016
Biophysical Evenings
Dr. Steven George

March 11, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Rotation Talks: George Karumba and Justin Miller

March 18, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Dr. Shixuan Liu
Li lab

March 21, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Joseph Puglisi
Stanford University

March 22, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Patrick Loria
Yale University
"The Role of Microsecond-millisecond Motions in Enzyme Function and Allostery"

March 25, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Student Revisit

March 29, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Ken Dill
Stony Brook University

April 1, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Dr. Chris Ho
Ellenberger lab

April 5, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Evgeny Nudler
New York University School of Medicine

April 8, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Dr. Grace Ramena
Pike lab

April 12, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Jane Dyson
Scripps Research Institute

April 12, 2016
Biophysical Evenings
Dr. Michael Greenberg
"Mechanosensing by Myosin Molecular Motors"

April 15, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Shannon Ohlemacher
Henderson lab

April 18, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Anthony Koleske
Yale University

April 19, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Jonathan Howard
Yale University

April 22, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Jayan Rammohan
Galburt lab

April 26, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Min Lu
Rosalind Franklin University
"Mechanistic Studies of MATE Multidrug Transporters"

April 28, 2016
BMB Seminar
Dr. Roberto Galletto

April 29, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Sarem Hailemariam
Burgers lab

May 6, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Dr. Benjamin Stark
Cooper lab

May 10, 2016
Biophysical Evenings
Dr. Patricia Clark
Univ. of Notre Dame

May 13, 2016
BMB Science Fridays
Dr. Binh Nguyen
Lohman lab

Latest Publications:

Zimmerman, M.I. and Bowman, G.R. FAST conformational searches by balancing exploration/exploitation trade-offs. J Chem. Theory Comput. (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Wanrooij, P.H., Tannous, E., Kumar, S., Navadgi-Patil, V.M. and Burgers, P.M. Probing the Mec1/ATR checkpoint activation mechanism with small peptides. J Biol Chem (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Edwards, M., McConnell, P., Schafer, D.A. and Cooper, J.A. CPI motif interaction is necessary for capping protein function in cells. Nat Commun. (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Lanier, M.H., Kim, T. and Cooper, J.A. CARMIL2 is a novel molecular connection between vimentin and acitin essential for cell migration and invadopodia formation. Mol Biol Cell (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Lanier, M.H., McDonnell, P. and Cooper, J.A. Cell Migration and invadopodia formation require a membrane-binding domain of CARMIL2.  J Biol Chem (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Babaei, B., Abramowitch, S.D., Elson, E.L., Thomopoulos, S. and Genin, G. A discrete  spectral analysis for determining quasi-linear viscoelastic properties of biological materials. J R Soc Interface (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Babaei, B., Bavarian, A., Pryse, K.M., Elson, E.L. and Genin, G.M. Efficient and optimized identification of generalized Maxwell viscoelastic relaxation spectra. J Mech Behave Biomed Mater. (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Wang, H., Shu, Q., Remple, D.L., Frieden, C. and Gross, M.L. Continuous and pulsed hydrogen-deuterium exchange and mass spectrometry characterize CsgE oligomerization. Biochemistry (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Zhang, C., Myers, C.A., Qi, Z., Mitra, R.D., Corbo, J.C. and Havranek, J.J. Redesign of the monomer-monomer interface of Cre recombinase yields an obligate heterotetrameric complex.
Nucleic Acids Res. (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Mydock-McGrane, L.K., Cusumano, Z.T. and Janetka, J.W.  Mannose-derived FimH antagonists: Promising anti virulence therapeutic strategy for urinary tract infections and Crohn's disease. Expert Opin Ther Pat (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Wang, Q., Rosa, B.A., Nare, B., Powell, K., Valente, S., Rotili, D., Mat, A., Marshall, G.R. and Mitreva, M. Targeting lysine deacetylases (KDACs) in Parasites. PLoS Negl Trop Dis (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Ballante, F. and Marshall, G.R. An automated strategy for binding-pose selection and docking assessment in structure-based drug design. J Chem Inf Model. (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).

Nandarapu, D.R., Ballante, F., Chuang, T., Pirolli, A., Marrocco, B. and Marshall, G.R. Design and synthesis of simplified largazole analogs as isoform-selective human lysine deacetylase inhibitors. J Med Chem (E-pub ahead of print.) (2015).


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