DWELLING  |  January 2016

We're still adjusting to the idea that it's a new year! We are re-sending this edition of Dwelling to you with the correct subject line. Thanks for your understanding!

Welcome to Dwelling, an e-newsletter created for children’s ministry coordinators, leaders, and teachers like you! You have the amazing privilege of nurturing kids’ faith and showing them what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This e-newsletter gives you resources to do just that: excerpts from the book Dwelling, helpful articles, creative tips, and more.

Dwelling will occasionally feature short stories, comments, and other feedback from DWELL leaders and teachers like you! Whether it’s a heartwarming quote from a child in your class or a comment about DWELL in general, we’d love to hear it! Send your feedback along with your first name and last name initial (or anonymous if you prefer) to

Photo by Therapy and Counseling Free Photos/Flickr

An excerpt from Dwelling: Growing Kids' Gifts

You’ve probably heard well-intentioned church people say things like “We need to train our children well—they’re the church of the future” or “Let’s use music that appeals to our kids; after all, they’re tomorrow’s church.”

Not so! Children aren’t the church of tomorrow—they’re the church of today just as much as adults are! There’s no magic moment at which people become old enough to “be the church.” In fact, as we know, Jesus more than once reminded the folks of his day that children are a vital part of his kingdom.

We do well to read and reread 1 Corinthians 12 to remind ourselves what it means to be many parts, but one body—and then to apply Paul’s words to the children among us in a way that nudges us to look for their particular gifts within the body. For example, when a four-year-old kisses the cast on a senior’s broken leg, she’s putting to good use her gifts of mercy, healing, and encouragement. And when a seven-year-old responds to the pastor’s question during the children’s message, he’s using his gift of wisdom and discernment. A ten-year-old’s comments and questions about a divisive denominational issue might cause adults to reconsider their own dogmatic opinions on both sides. You’ve probably got your own stories about similar ways in which the kids in your congregation—and your Sunday school class—have deepened your faith.

Here are some ways you can help kids identify, develop, and use their gifts for the benefit of the body . . . Continue reading »

Reprinted from Dwelling with permission. © Faith Alive Christian Resources

God's Big Story Card #8

This month’s sample of God’s Big Story cards talks about Adam and Eve’s role in caring for creation as well as our role in this important work. The 165 God's Big Story cards include all the stories shared in the Imagine, Wonder, and Marvel levels of DWELL. View the sample here!

Religious Diversity in Your Group

Even if all the children in your group come from a church background, you will find wide variations in their knowledge and beliefs. Click here for ideas and tips for teaching God’s Word in a multifaith and multicultural context.

God’s Big Story Card Event

Does your church use God’s Big Story cards? Consider hosting a God’s Big Story Card family event! Hosting a family event is a great way to connect with families and get everyone excited about God’s Big Story cards. Click here to view a variety of ideas and options.

Comments from You

“Thank you for developing DWELL curriculum to tell God's story, rather than as a collection of Bible stories with some moral injunctions. Thank you for designing it so that kids could spend some time to ponder ways God speaks to them. You are making a difference.”
—Deb F., DWELL teacher

Share your feedback here.


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