Happy New Year from Salish Sea Ballet!
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Happy New Year!!!

Salish Sea Ballet wishes all of our dance families the very best in 2016.  We are so grateful that you choose to dance with us.  Here's what's new for 2016:

During these dark, chilly days we are keeping warm by dreaming up our summer dance program.  Summer 2016 will be full of fun!  Check out the Summer Program page on our website for a preview of our exciting dance camps.  Registration forms will be available very soon.  Early registration discount applies to students who register by March 1, 2016!

Starting in 2016, all dancers in Ballet 1 and higher levels will receive a mid-year assessment class.  This class is designed and run like a professional audition and results in a personalized narrative progress report for each student.  Assessment classes will take place on Tuesday, January 19th (Ballet 2 & 3) and Wednesday, January 20th (Ballet 1).  Please make sure that your dancer attends class on these days!  Ballet 2 & 3 dancers who attend just one class per week should plan to attend on Tuesday, January 19th.

Salish Sea Ballet's curriculum is designed progressively, and students are placed in the class that best matches their ability each year.  Classical ballet technique benchmarks must be met each year in order for students to advance to the next level.  Students in Ballet 2 and 3 are strongly encouraged to attend two classes per week.  Dancers attending fewer than two classes a week may not advance as quickly since they attend only half as many classes over the year.  Mid-year assessments will help our faculty as well as the dancer's family review their class placement and make any adjustments necessary to meet the dancer's goals by the end of the school year.

Mid-year parent-teacher conferences are optional but encouraged.  After the mid-year assessment classes have taken place, each parent will receive an email containing their dancer's progress report and an invitation to schedule a conference.  We look forward to discussing your dancer's progress and goals!


Our annual In-Studio Performance will take place on Friday June 3, 2016 and Saturday June 4, 2016

2016 In-Studio Performance: Coppélia

Coppélia, dancers of Ballet Guatemala

Dancers of Ballet Guatemala in Coppélia, photo by Antonio Lederer, used under Creative Commons license.

At the end of each school year, Salish Sea Ballet produces an In-Studio Performance that is open to all enrolled dancers.  Our 2016 ballet will be Coppélia, one of the classic storybook ballets!  During the second half of the school year, dancers will study the story behind the ballet, watch video excerpts from a professional performance, and learn choreography for their very own performance.

Costume and performance information will vary by class, and will be handed out to students in class later this month.

Holiday Closures:
Monday, January 18 (Martin Luther King, Jr Day)

You can always find the most updated closure information on our Class Schedule page.

Remember: Salish Sea Ballet offers make up classes for days missed due to holiday, vacation, or illness.  Classes must be made up within one month and must be of a similar age/level.  Contact Miss Jeanne for details!
Copyright © 2016 Salish Sea Ballet, All rights reserved.

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