Word on the Street: January 2016, Juicy News to Start off the Year
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Pop in and get a FREE tour of the WOBO office! 

You've heard of tiny houses, now come see our tiny office where we make magic happen. Take the tour and enjoy a delicious refreshment!   

We are dusting off the desks, adjusting the homemade sticker flags and concocting a refreshing treat for your visit.  On the evening of January 14th* we will open our door, prop it open with an old computer monitor and invite everyone in for a good old fashion pop-in visit!  

There will be a FREE tour beginning every few minutes.  Attractions include the homemade sticker flag display, the event poster collection, the view of a new Oakland mural and fresh street art, the t-shirt cabinet and the brand new color printer complete with printing demonstration (upon request)!

Every pop-in visitor will go home with a shiny new WOBO event calendar for their wall or business window PLUS a 2016 "Less Talk, More Walk" Limited Edition WOBO sticker!  

WOBO Board Members and Fellows will be present and available for small talk, policy talk and signing autographs.  See you there/then!

(*You're right, this event was previously penciled-in for 1/7, but due to our tremendously busy schedules it has been moved to 1/14, we hope you can still attend!)



The next Oakland Urban Paths walk will explore the former town of Brooklyn, east of Lake Merritt on Saturday, January 9th. Meet up at 10 am at Clinton Square Park, on the corner of International & 6th Ave. This was one of the most popular walks of 2015 and isn't one to miss! Heavy rain cancels, light rain ok, Check the OUP website for updates.


Start off 2016 right with WOBO Board Member, Bill Leimbach, as he leads a tour of the Oakland Hills and helps get you folks in shape for the new year.  Round here we call this a calorie buster, where you will burn plenty of calories trying to keep up with Wild Bill.  

Meet up Sunday, January 10th at 11:00 AM at Rick and Ann's (2922 Domingo Ave). Speaking of friends, bring em' along. Members ride free, donations appreciated. Heavy rain cancels, stay tuned to our social media for updates as Sunday approaches.

Everyone has a part in our 2016 campaigns!  

Learn how to get and stay involved in the new year on Thursday, January 20th, 5:30 pm at Ale Industries, 3096 E 10th Street (just a couple of blocks from Fruitvale BART)

We are excited and optimistic as to what 2016 holds for Oakland, we hope you will join us for the ride! We will be launching our 2016 efforts in style with a campaign kick-off meeting. Help shape our campaign plans for the new year. We'll go over our new neighborhood ambassador program and will share with you ways you can be a steward for better walking and bicycling in Oakland. Please RSVP here if you're interested in attending.

Oakland Policy Update 

So what's going on with the Department of Transportation? What's the next steps of the Downtown Specific Plan? The City of Oakland is moving forward on both projects, below are some ways to stay involved this month.
  • Tuesday, January 26, 11:30 am: Update on Department of Transportation. Oakland City Council's Public Works Committee meets in the Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room at City Hall and will hear a progress report from the City Administrator's office on the formation of the new Department of Transportation. We'll be there listening closely, it'd be great if you join us! If you can't join no worries, we'll update you with live tweets #OaklandDOT! 
  • Monday, February 1st, 6 pm: Community Meeting on Plan Downtown Oakland Plan Alternatives Report. This meeting will take place at Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts, 1428 Alice St in Downtown Oakland and include a brief presentation followed by an open house. The Alternatives Report will include a summary of plan goals, a description of the community process (including community feedback received), an overview of the existing conditions (historic context, demographic and economic conditions), draft vision statement, identification of issues that will be further evaluated throughout the development of the Plan, overview of the Plan’s possible policy framework, and three land development scenarios. More info on the Plan Downtown Oakland process can be found here.

WOBO heads to the YES Conference on January 30th! 

Oakland's youth are poised to make a huge impact on Oakland's future. If you're a high school or middle school student, you can still register to attend for free! While you're at it, visit our little table at the YES Conference and find out how you can help make Oakland streets even safer, and take a daring step towards environmental sustainability! Look for the orange and white WOBO sticker flags at the 2016 YES Conference on Jan. 30th.

Bike East Bay is Hiring 

Our friends in East Bay's premier advocacy organization are hiring a Community Organizer Intern!

Looking for a little work on the side? Bike East Bay is seeking an outgoing, organized and fun Community Organizer intern to help plan and lead a summit event on February 20. This internship requires a 4-8 hour a week commitment for 12 weeks. This is a part-time internship position with a one-time $500 stipend.

Applications open until filed. More info here, apply today! 
We'll See Ya There!

1/9: OUP Walk - Brooklyn
1/10: Wild Bill's Hills Tour

1/14: WOBO Open House
1/20: 2016 Campaign Kick-Off
1/26:  DOT Update at Public Works Commitee 

1/30: YES Conference
2/1: Plan Downtown Alternatives Report Meeting
Let's Get Together!
1/20: 2016 Campaign Kick-Off
1/30: YES Conference
Jan-Feb: On-street bikeway ambassador: Telegraph Ave
Become a WOBO Member today with just the click of a button! Starting at $35 per year, you get a team of policy, community and advocacy champions who will stump for safe and accessible walking and bicycling in Oakland for all.
The Membership Button!
December OUP Walk - By Paul Rosenbloom
Cruisin' with the kid!
Instagram Highlight: Resting after a wonderful 2015
Quote of the month:
"Bicycles are revolutionary machines: they construct equality… While cars are a means of social differentiation and exclusion, bicycles integrate people as equals. When two people on bicycles meet, they meet as human beings.”

- Dr. Enrique Peñalosa, former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, February 2013
Don't be shy...

436 14th St. 1001
Oakland, CA 94612
Copyright © 2016 Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, All rights reserved.

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