The Best of 2015
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2015 was a great year for us.

And we think 2016 is going to be even better! We wanted to let you guys know what some of our best, most exciting, most important highlights were from this past year - mainly because they would not have been possible without you.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for making 2015 one of our best years yet.

#5. Winning the City of Huntsville's Air Pollution Control Achievement Award
In October, we were honored to be recognized by the City of Huntsville by receiving their Air Pollution Control Achievement Award. This award is given to organizations who make efforts to educate the public about the importance of clean air and businesses who have implemented air quality control measures in their buildings or manufacturing processes.
#4. Being nominated for the Madison Chamber's Best Non Profit of the Year award
It's always exciting to recognized for the work your organization is doing, but it's especially awesome when you're recognized in a group of your peers. In November, we were honored to be nominated as one of the Madison Chamber of Commerce's Best Non Profits of the Year. 
#3. Breaking records at our Green Tie Bash
Our fundraising events are always a highlight on the Nexus calendar, but 2015 really broke the mold. Our Green Tie Bash managed to see record breaking attendance, and record breaking support! We managed to raise enough funds for two whole Comfort Project homes - something that was previously unheard of for a singular event.
#2. Completing a record amount of Comfort Project homes
Thanks in part to #3, we were able to complete more Comfort Project homes in 2015 than any other year! Nexus helped 10 homes become more comfortable and efficient through our partnership with CASA, with an additional 6 homes being assisted as well. These homeowners' lives have been changed for the better, and they will now enjoy lower utility costs and healthier living conditions.
#1. Moving to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center
As (most) of you know, we moved offices in December. We are now at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center!

This move is huge for Nexus because it means we now have the potential to reach thousands more with our message of energy conservation and sustainability. Now the USSRC will not only be a foremost center for learning about space, but energy as well.
Stay tuned for even more great things coming in 2016!