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What I'm Doing Instead of New Year's Resolutions

I admit it: I love New Years Resolutions. No matter how cheesy it seems, I’m a sucker for reflecting, goal setting, and list making. And for these kinds of things, what better time is there than the start of a new year?

Buuuut this year, I’m just not feeling it. A week ago, I sat down to make a list of my New Year’s Resolutions and goals for 2016, but all I could get out was a half-hearted list of vague and unspecific things. At first, I thought maybe it was because I was spending New Year’s away from home and that I wouldn’t be able to get into the goal-setting mindset until I was home and back in my normal routine. But even after a couple of days at home, I still feel pretty lacklustre about any potential goals. 

So I’ve decided not to force the issue. I’ve given myself permission not to set any goals. After all, why bother setting any resolutions or goals when I’m not into it? I would be coming up with resolutions just for the sake of having resolutions, and there’s no point in that.

So here’s where I’ve landed instead: at the end of each day, I’m simply aiming to feel satisfied with how I spent my day.

It doesn’t matter whether that satisfaction is related to work, writing, health, travel, or my personal life. All that matters is ending the day feeling proud of what I did with my time. 

Maybe I finish up a client project . Maybe I write a poem I’m really proud of. Maybe I spend quality time with friends. Maybe I finish reading an excellent book. Or maybe I just get a lot of chores around the house done. 

The TL;DR version: I want to spend my time wisely. I want to make sure I spend my time doing things I love and things that light me up. And I want to be open to whatever those things may be as my priorities shift and change over the year. 

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Did you make any resolutions for 2016? Set any new goals? Or did you decide to say “Eff this, I’ll just take the year however it comes?”
Hit reply and let me know what your current stance is on New Year’s Resolutions. 


Links for you!

How to Dominate the Grocery Store. In case you did make a resolution and it was to eat healthier. 

6 Reasons to Embrace Minimalist Living. After seeing piles and piles of used wrapping paper over the Christmas season, my minimalist side is in full swing again.

Things You Shouldn't Give a Shit About Anymore. There's a lot of things in life that we don't need care about. Let's just let them go, shall we?

Recently on the blog: How to Cut Down on Consumption (and create more instead!). Okay, so this post isn't that recent anymore. But I swear, new blog posts are coming soon! 

What I'm reading lately: A Day to Die For by Graham Ratcliffe Another book about the disaster on Everest in 1996, because for some unknown reason, I find this tragic event utterly fascinating.

Music I'm listening to lately: Evening Hymns. I first heard this indie folk rock group at Folk Fest in Edmonton, and I've recently rediscovered them.

Happy 2016! Make it your best year yet. 

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