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Well Mother Newsletter

Happy new year:enjoy the elements in 2016

Coast near Mawgan Porth, Cornwall where I went in December to connect with the sea and rest after my mum's funeral. Nature: the great support with all her elements.

Thank you from Suzanne

Thank you all for your support for my work during 2015. I hope that you all had a good year, although I know that for many of us it has been very challenging. It certainly has for me! I am gradually accepting that life is full of challenges and, rather than being afraid of them, welcoming them as they are what help us grow and develop.

My mum has been deteriorating gradually through the year and finally passed away on 5th November. I shared a poem I read at her funeral in a blog.

I also decided to change my course admin and start to run it through Moodle after taking it over from Becky in July. This will eventually be the platform through which I run my on line courses which I hope finally to get running in 2016. I hope to do more non maternity related ones too, but that might not be till 2017! 

The Chinese new year doesn’t start till the 8th February: the second new moon after the solstice. This will be the year of the Yang Fire Monkey. Do send me any thoughts on how your last year has been, the Yin Wood Sheep (goat) and what you think the following year holds, then I can include them in my blog.


Creating Together: Moodle, my new course admin system and on line courses development

As you know, I have been wanting to set up some on line courses for a while. This year I did some filming in Bristol and I then had to work out the best way of delivering them. After much research I have decided on Moodle. I have decided to call the Moodle site; Creating Together: ( as this opens up the space to develop new courses:not just maternity related ones. Please let me know what on line courses you would like to see grow. The first ones, which I have filmed already, are on the Extraordinary Vessels and key shiatsu concepts and include exercises as well as theory.

I realised that Moodle can also be used for administering my current courses, which I now understand in on line speak are called “blended learning” ie a combination of face to face and on line interaction. Moodle can be a way of helping people communicate before and after courses, both with me and with other students. I can put all the course information and handouts there including pre course study information and venue information. As I get to know it better I will start to create more interactive resources like quizzes and videos.

To start with I am going to use Moodle for the courses I teach in the UK so I can learn how it works and then I will start to add in some new courses,open to all. Initially it will be in English, but eventually I will set it up for all the different languages I teach in.

So when you book a course in the UK you will be given a log in for my Moodle site: Creating together and Well Mother. All the resources you need for the courses will be there and you will also be able to submit your work there. 

What is Moodle? Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)

is a free open-source learning management system (LMS)  or e-Learning platform, that serves educators and learners across the globe. It is the most widely used LMS in the world and currently has over 68 million users world-wide (and growing!). 

Moodle was developed in 2002 by Martin Dougiamas to help educators create online courses with a focus on interaction and collaborative construction of content. Since then, the main development of Moodle is led him and his team at Moodle Headquarters, as well as hundreds of other developers around the world who have helped fuel the growth of Moodle through contributing and testing code, and being active participants in community forums.

I am working on my Moodle site with the help of Jeff Stanford, who wrote a book on Moodle.

Your favourite maternity related and shiatsu books and articles

One of my midwife students recently commented on how out of date my biography is!  That made me realise that it was 2010 when I published my “Pregnancy and childbirth” book and even longer since I updated the bibliography. I am setting up a Wiki page on Moodle where people can update it.

I am creating one large bibliography for all the courses with subsections for pregnancy, birth, postnatal, baby, with a general section on shiatsu books and especially those relating to the Extraordinary Vessels. Eventually I will have bibliographies in different languages.

So if you have any books or articles that you think I should include, please email me direct and I will input them into the wiki page. 

Updating register: urgent reply needed! 

Thank you to the those of you who replied to my email in October asking for you to update your details. I still haven’t heard back from everyone, which is why I haven’t yet updated the register.

Please could those of you who haven’t replied, let me know so I can update the register. If I don’t hear by mid-January, I will have to take you off the list as I don’t want it to be out of date.

Perhaps those of you who have replied, could check in your area and let me know if you think that the person is not working anymore.

I get a lot of people looking for Well mother practitioners through the website and I feel a responsibility to make sure that the details are up to date and accurate. 

Teaching highlights 2016
Developing shiatsu for midwives in French speaking countries and Austria

Recently there has been a new increase in interest from midwives for shiatsu which is being developed by Well Mother teachers, Aline, Sylvie, Alexandra and Veronique.

French speaking countries

Aline and Sylvie in France have both been teaching midwives. Aline has been working with a midwives’ professional organisation and Sylvie has been running her own courses as well as teaching at a hospital in Paris.

Veronique has been running her own midwives courses in Belgium and recently with the UPSfB (Belgium midwives’ association). I will be presenting at the Flanders speaking midwives conference in Midwives conference Belgium May. I will do a plenary session on how shiatsu can be integrated into midwives work and then some workshops. Veronique has been helping me with this. I did a presentation at the French speaking midwives conference UPSfB in 2010

New courses for midwives in Switzerland: hopefully I will be running some courses at a hospital near Geneva in 2016
German speaking countries

Alexandra ran a day for some midwives in Vienna and is going to be running a longer workshop in 2016. 

Courses in English 2016

Shiatsu practitioners  

The next Diploma course starts soon 21st January 2016. It begins with the Pregnancy module and the day before on 20th, the Foundation Day, introducing the Extraordinary Vessels. You can just attend the foundation day or this first module. There are a few places left. Contact me to book your place

I will be running a workshop on Shiatsu and Pregnancy 19-20 March after a foundation day on the Extraordinary Vessels.
contact Joyce Vlaarkamp

Massage therapists

Pregnancy Massage
The next courses are in Bristol 3 to 6  March and London in July. Contact me to book your place

Massage for Labour
I have decided to open module 2 of shiatsu practitioners course: birth module to those massage therapists who have done my Pregnancy Diploma course.  It will be 23 and 24 th June 2016.

Postnatal massage
This is days one and two of Shiatsu practitioners course in November 10/11

Midwives and massage therapists new Shiatsu for maternity care course 2016
I am still finalising the dates for this course. I hope it can begin in Bristol in May. Please email me directly if you are interested in being updated on this. 

Australia and New Zealand
Due to my mum’s decline, I had cancelled the September courses for Australia and New Zealand which I was going to run in 2016. Hopefully I will run them in 2017.


Information et stages en francais

Development des stages pour les sages-femmes en France et Belge

Les professeurs de Well Mother, Aline and Sylvie, en France font des stages pour les sages-femmes. Aline travaille avec une organisation qui anime des stages pour les sages-femmes et Sylvie fait des stages dans son cabinet à Paris en plus des stages a un hôpital à Paris.

Véronique en Belge enseigne des stages aussi et pour l’organisation des sages-femmes en Belge le UPSfB (Union Professionnelle des Sages-Femmes de Belge). Je vais présenter au congrès des sages-femmes de Flandres en anglais en mai 2016. Je vais faire une présentation sur l’intégration du shiatsu pour les sages-femmes en plus des cours pratiques. Véronique m’aide avec ça. J’ai fait une présentation au congrès des sages-femmes francophones en 2010.

J’espère commencer moi-même des stages pour les sages-femmes à un hôpital a cote de Genève en 2016

Stages en France et Suisse

J’enseigne en français en France, à Paris et en Suisse à Genève: visitez le site pour plus d’information

Practiciens de shiatsu
Modules maternités

Le module accouchement Paris le 11 au 14 février 2016   Journée d’initiation le 10 février.
Contact Gina

Le module grossesse, Genève 18 à 21 février 2016
Contact Christophe
Ecole Internationale de Shiatsu Genève,

Stages sur les vaisseaux merveilleux 
Les 8 vaisseaux merveilleux

Je vais peut-être enseigner un stage le 30 mai au 2 juin sinon ce sera le 5 au 8 décembre 2016
Contact :

Corsi a Roma, Italia

Un nuevo corso inizia il 15 aprile 2016 : Modulo sui vasi meravigliosi e la concezione

06.24408234 – 320.2233470  347.1842517


Informacion en espanol 

Pincha en este enlace para visitar la página web de Well Mother en español

Hay el segundo modulo del curso para diplomados en Shiatsu será en octubre 14 al 16 2016

Si necesitas más información ponte en contacto con Amigos de Shiatsu.

 Quiero empezar a incluir información en español, si tienes alguna noticia que quieras compartir en el newsletter puedes enviármela. Pueden ser blogs interesantes, trabajos, enlaces, películas interesantes etc

Hay un blog en español : una entrevista conmigo hecha por un estudiante.
Hago los cursos de Embarazo, Parto y Postparto en Madrid, en la Escuela Amigos de Shiatsu.


Ab sofort wird es in meinen Newslettern immer wieder auch Informationen in deutscher Sprache geben.

Die deutschsprachigen Seiten auf der Well Mother Website werden zur Zeit überarbeitet und in Kürze ausgebaut. Es wird mehr Informationen über Well Mother sowohl für Shiatsu-PraktikerInnen als auch für Eltern geben. Damit möchte ich Well Mother und Shiatsu in der Schwangerschaft in deutschsprachigen Ländern bekannter machen. Ich hoffe, damit auch einige unter euch zu motivieren, eure schriftlichen Arbeiten fertigzustellen und abzugeben, damit ich euch in die Liste der Well Mother PraktikerInnen aufnehmen kann. 

Wenn ihr spezielle Informationen oder Neuigkeiten (Blog-Artikel, Links, Stellenangebote oder Ähnliches) habt, die für die Well Mother Community interessant sein könnten, schickt diese bitte in Englisch an mich oder in Deutsch an meine Assistentinnen Johanna Garnitschnig ( oder Alexandra Gelny ( Sie werden sie mir dann umgehend weiterleiten. 

Artikel: Das Penetrationsgefäß (Chong Mai) – ein „Supermeridian“

Zur Zeit biete ich Kurse in Wien, Zürich, Frankfurt, Hamburg und Berlin an.Derzeit unterrichte ich in Wien, Zürich, Hamburg und Berlin.

Meine nächsten Kurse:


Das nächste Basis-Seminar ist im im 7-10 April 2016 geplant. in der Shambala Shiatsu Schule 

Meine Assistentinnen Alexandra Gelny und Johanna Garnitschnig werden darüber hinaus in regelmäßigen Abständen “Well Mother Training Sessions” zur Vertiefung der Module, ebenfalls in der Shambhala Shiatsu Schule, abhalten.

Zürich Basis-Seminar: Der nächste Kurs ist Die außerordentlichen Gefäße: 16.-18 Januar 2016

Ko Shiatsu Schule statt.

Die nächsten Kurse sind 2016 in der Schule für Shiatsu Hamburg geplant.
Modul 1: Die Schwangerschaft: 26.-28. Februar 2016

Die nächsten Kurse sind  februar 5.6 2016 in der Berliner Schule für Zen Shiatsu geplant.
Außerordentliche Gefäße und Frauengesundheit: 6.-7. Februar 2016

Cursos em Portugal

Shiatsu na Maternidade Curso de 2 dias com Suzanne Yates

Well Mother portuges

Lisboa, Portugal

2 e 3  julho 2016  A saúde das mulheres e o extraordinário canais 

Coshiatsu Actividades