Happy New Year! Prayer points...
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Digital Bibles
Aloha, Friend!
Hay harvest, Chafee County
The New Testament in this girl's language is available at in three new formats that work offline with her tablet.

Happy New Year!

A lot can happen in a year. Praise God for:
  • Celebrating the Whitesands Tanna New Testament dedication in person.
  • Converting well over 600 Bibles to ePub format.
  • Converting well over 600 Bibles to mobi format.
  • Converting well over 600 Bibles to Crosswire Sword format.
  • Converting well over 600 Bibles to PDF format.
  • Making several new Bibles available for electronic distribution.
  • Two print runs of the World English Bible were made for Papua New Guinea: one shipping container load for school children and one container load for a ministry in Lae, Papua New Guinea for evangelistic use.
  • God provided a house for us to live in with about the same cash flow we had renting an apartment.
  • All of our children are doing well.
Please pray for:
  • That nothing would prevent those Bibles from bearing fruit. (Isaiah 55:11)
  • That our prayer and financial support base would stay strong and even increase. (2 Peter 1:3; Psalm 23)
  • That we would be able to continue this ministry as long as God wants us to, regardless of opposition by the enemy. (Psalm 91)
Coming projects:
  • Get more Bible to distribute througout the world.
  • Continue ongoing quality checks on Scriptures.
  • Upgrade computers and servers to higher capacity.
  • Make it easier for people to find the Bible in their own language or the languages of people they are going to minister to.
  • Additional Bible formats, including diglot PDFs.
Year-end Giving
For tax-deductible gifts to count for tax year 2015 in the USA, simply postmark them by December 31, 2015, or make them online before midnight at Please note that you can also schedule automatic monthly gifts online, as well, which is convenient for you and helps our budget be more consistent. Any amount given at any time from any country helps strengthen our ministry and enables us to take on more projects to reach more people with God's precious Word. May God bless you!
Michael & Lori
What Michael does: We do this because God's Word produces eternal results in people's lives. We don't require payment for any of these Bibles or services, but rather rely on God to supply our needs. God is well able to do that. We are truly grateful for those whom the Lord leads to support us so that we can keep doing this. We are very grateful to those Bible translators and Bible translation agencies who allow us to freely distribute their Bible translations without charge.
Bible on Kindle
Seeing a Bible on a Kindle device or app is not a big deal if you speak English. For hundreds of languages in the world it only became possible this year.
Where would you be without the Holy Bible in your language?
Tax-deductible donations may be made to us online or by sending a check to:

MARRIETTA GA 30061-0379


Please mark donations "FUND CODE #70".

Personal mail can be sent to us at:

PO BOX 881143
PUKALANI HI 96788-1143

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Michael and Lori Johnson
26 Hiwalani Loop
Makawao, HI 96768-8747

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