Newsletter #1 for January 2016
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New Year, New Newsletter

We are rolling out a new monthly newsletter for stakeholders! The Private Well Class newsletter will be delivered to your inbox the 1st of each month (except for this one, of course). Our newsletter is intended to serve our partners and other professionals to bridge communication, provide useful resources, and highlight what we and others are doing around the country. 

We want to know what you have been up to. Be sure to send us any resources you have developed, as well as any upcoming webinars, events, or activities in advance so that we can feature them in future newsletters. Send updates to:

The Private Well Class

Anyone who wants to learn more about how to care for private wells should start here. Our class consists of a total of 10 lessons that arrive to your inbox via email, one lesson per week.

The Private Well Class is designed to help a homeowner better understand how to properly care for their water well to ensure their water remains safe to drink. This class provides a homeowner the tools needed to ensure a safe water supply and help extend the life of the well. 
You can promote the Private Well Class by linking to:

PWC Highlight: New Website

Have you seen our new website yet? has a new look, is mobile friendly, and has added audio and video content for additional ways to learn. You can easily enroll in class and utilize a resource library chock full of useful links and resources.

Click here to check it out.

Upcoming Webinar

Is My Water Safe to Drink? Common Questions About Private Wells
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 from 1:00 PM - 2:30PM CST
Hosted by

This is an opportunity to ask questions about your water quality, caring for your private well, and best practices to protect your water supply from contamination. The event will be recorded and this training is completely free, delivered as a webinar, which you can watch and listen to via your computer. You may submit questions in advance or live on the webinar.

We'd love your support in distributing this information.You may share the following links: Registration | Flyer
Want to see what else we've got planned?
See the Webinar Schedule

Question from our FAQ

Each month we will highlight a well owner question received from a phone call, email request, or as part of our webinars.

Q:  I have shock chlorinated my well several times, but my sample results still come back positive for bacteria, what can I do?

A:  Reoccurring bacteria problems mean there is a source of bacteria somehow connected to your well at the surface. It could be that... 

Check out the full answer on our Partner Blog.

Free Resource

Flowing Well Handbook
From the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

Flowing artesian wells are water wells where the pressure in the aquifer forces ground water above the ground surface so that the well will flow without a pump. Understanding flowing wells is important for health officials and others who evaluate the sanitary integrity of drinking water supplies. This handbook is intended to serve as guidance for the construction, plugging, and evaluation of flowing wells.

Click here to download.
Looking for something else? We link to a variety of helpful resources.
Browse our Class Resources

From the Partner Blog

New NHDES Online Tool Helps Well Owners Understand Their Water Sample Results
The Be Well Informed Guide provides an evaluation of water samples, identifying results that are over the USEPA MCL, and can also recommend possible treatment options.

Featured Video: Water Treatment Basics

This video features water treatment basics and discusses Point of Use (POU) and Point of Entry (POE) options. Created by the Montana State University Extension as part of their Well Educated program, this video provides private well owner education about water quality as it relates to health and quality of life. 

Click here to watch the video.
Have a great video? We're dedicated to bringing you helpful, entertaining, or inspiring videos to you. If your organization has a relevant video to share, let us know!

Partner Events

National Groundwater Awareness Week
March 6-12, 2016
Hosted by the National Groundwater Association

The National Groundwater Association and its promotional partners are prepping for this year's Groundwater Awareness Week. This is an annual opportunity to educate the public on one of the world’s most important resources — groundwater.
Buying a Home with a Private Well and Septic System Webinar
March 30, 2016, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Hosted by Penn State Extension

Homes in rural and suburban areas often rely on private wells for the household water supply and on-lot septic systems for wastewater management. This presentation will cover some basics about how these systems work, inspection and testing options, and examples from Pennsylvania.

Registration is not required to attend webinars but it ensures that you will receive monthly reminders about upcoming topics. | More Information
Have an event of broad interest? We will gladly share your event or webinar, either in our newsletter, if of broad interest, or on our events page at Let us know!

We Want to Promote Your Program

Does your organization, agency, or unit have any exciting news or other information (webinar, document, etc.) that you want to share? Here is your opportunity to be included!

Please send detailed information to by January 20, 2016 to be included in the February 1, 2016 newsletter. 


The Private Well Class is a collaboration between the Rural Community Assistance Partnership and the University of Illinois, through the Illinois State Water Survey and the Illinois Water Resources Center, and funded by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Copyright © 2016, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website or by phone.

Our mailing address is:
Illinois State Water Survey
2204 Griffith Drive
Champaign, IL 61820

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