Investigation into the Fab Academy; creating a solidarity company for waste upcycling; OSVR, the open source VR; a vintage radio look for Bluetooth speakers
Fab alumni reflect on the Academy
The Fab Academy graduation ceremony. © Makery
Each year from January to June, the Fab Academy offers five intense months of tinkering and digital fabrication. This program initiated by MIT attracts a growing number of students.
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Column of a material maker (11)
Cutting-edge cooking at Inra. © Makery
The Termatière project has been under development for a year, with turbulences and accelerations. Time for a first assessment for our maker columnist, and now start-uper in bio-sourced materials.
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Open source VR headset, an alternative to the costly Oculus Rift?
Oculus tripped up when it announced the price of its virtual reality headset at $599 (700€ in Europe). Time to take a look at the OSVR open source head-mounted display, developed by a conglomerate...
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Do it Yourself
Turning a vintage radio into a Bluetooth speaker
The nice radios that can’t read a smartphone playlist are no longer popular. What if we mixed state-of-the-art Bluetooth speakers, often expensive or charmless, with a disused device?
The first...
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The more the MAKERY…
New year on the rocks for Makery! This past week, the team moved to the top floor of La Gaîté Lyrique, joining our Art2m colleagues at Créatis, the Paris digital art center’s cultural incubator. While unpacking our boxes, we also updated the website under Wordpress (invisible to you, online readers, but a big job for our developer to ensure a smooth and seamless transition…). And we didn’t stop there—we are currently finalizing a new version of our homepage, featuring rethought sections and improved navigation. So many changes that will be quite visible! When? Stay tuned!
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