Leadville Laurel's
January 15, 2016 Newsletter!
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Ranger loves the snow

almost as much as he loves me. For this, I am grateful, for there is much snow around my Rocky Mountain home. 

I "turned 57" (as if something magical happened, like I "turned green") four days after my Epiphany baby "turned 25," and my response to both was not unique. "Wow. Hard to believe. Where has the time gone?"

Someday I hope to find where all the time has gone.

Until then, I'll continue to search for 

Upcoming Events!

  • Monday, January 25th from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.,  Maria Weber - artist, writer, poet and potter, and author of "I'll Be There to Write the Story" - will present a workshop: "Drawing Out Your Words" at the Buena Vista Public Library, 131 Linderman Ave, Buena Vista. Remember to bring a snack to share, your own drink, paper and pen (or your laptop).
  • Author Stephanie Spong will present at Leadville's Colorado Mountain College Library from Noon to 1 p.m. on January 29th. She will discuss the writing and publication of her first novel, Tȏru: Wayfarer Returns, and alternate history of 19th Century Japan with steampunk elements! Free to the public! Food, beverages, and discussion.
  • Saturday, February 6th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Bar Scott presents "Your Story Matters: Writing a Memoir." Go to the Chaffee County Writers Exchange page for more details, and book soon!
  • Author Carol Bellhouse will present at Leadville's Colorado Mountain College Library from Noon to 1 p.m. on February 19th. She will discuss her recent book Estate and Legacy, focusing on innovative approaches to end-of-life questions. Free to the public! Food, beverages, and discussion.


Please Support Your Local Libraries!

Also, search your area for writing groups!


  • Leadville's Cloud City Writers meet at the Lake County Public Library every first and third Monday of the month from 4-6 p.m. unless the library is closed for holidays. Contact me for more details.

Whether you completed last month's prompts or not,

here are two more writing suggestions to consider for the next 30 days:

1.  Write down three things for which you are grateful each day.

After reading The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor, I started this exercise. Sadly, like many phantom New Year's resolutions, the habit disappeared from my routine a while ago. The idea is not unique. There are many site on the web where you can find tips on keeping happiness journals, so search around a bit and find one you like.

Here's a link to Achor's book -- or better yet, support your local library. They're sure to have it!

It's far too easy to find things to complain about every day, so it's important to find ways to counteract the negativity. If you'd rather write down three funny things you remember, three good ideas you have, three people who make you happy, three books you'd read again, three WHATEVER positive things, then do that instead! Or hey, if three's a crowd, do two. Even one will help, but let's not give up so easily!

By the way, I'm reading Steinbeck's Travels with Charley right now and I know I'll read it again. Even if you don't have a dog, his observations concerning his companion poodle will tickle your funny bone. One of my goals this year is to read all of Steinbeck's novels.


2. Write for 15 minutes (or more) about this:
Is there one "thing" you own that would upset you if you lost it, or that you could never part with?

January is a good time to inventory your "things." Once I pack up our Christmas decorations each year, I feel compelled to declutter our home. But there are many things I cling to year after year. I've given myself permission to keep them, of course. Nothing wrong with that.

For this challenge, focus on just one object. Write about how it came into your life, how you have used it, what memories are associated with it, and why you think it's important to keep it in your life. Or just write about wherever that thing takes you!

And then, find something else to give away!


1.  Follow Writer's I subscribe to their email list and frequently scan their content. Lots of great tips and contests (though there are fees to enter). Wish me luck on the short story fiction contest I just entered!
2.  Remember to take a break from your keyboard about every 45 minutes. Stand. Stretch. Do a little dance. Make a little . . . snack. I don't do this, but I should.
3. Don't use the word ubiquitous more than once in a piece of writing, but do use it
4.  Believe in your work. You're the one who'll have to market it!
Working on final edits of my new novel
I'll post info on pre-orders next month!
I was pretty stoked when Temple Grandin accepted one of my books!
Know any new teachers?
My novel
will let them know someone understands their challenges.
Available in paperback or
Kindle on Amazon:
Hope your new year fills you with inspiration!


"I wonder what next month's writing prompts will be?"

Feel free to check in more frequently on my blog:
Leadville author/legend Ted Mullings signs his book for me!
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