ITSAN March RSS Awareness Campaign Trip!

Raising Awareness of Red Skin Syndrome

 March RSS Awareness
Campaign Trip Call to Action!
Thanks to the donations of our loyal supporters, ITSAN is well on its way to covering our basic, monthly budget needs. Details of our 2015 monthly income & expenses will be posted soon in our annual non-profit report. We thank everyone who contributed in 2015 to help keep ITSAN running!

ITSAN's work has already benefited many people all around the world. But we still need your help to achieve our goal of having Red Skin Syndrome (RSS) accepted as a true medical diagnosis, recognized by doctors everywhere. We all know how helpful it would be to easily find a supportive doctor!

To continue to build that bridge to the medical community, ITSAN reps Kathy Tullos and Joey VanDyke, will once again travel to the annual American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) conference in Washington DC in early March as proud members of the Coalition of Skin Disease (CSD).  On behalf of all of you who are affected by Red Skin Syndrome, our reps will work hard to network and share RSS/TSW information in order to add another plank to that growing bridge!

The cost of travel, hotel, meals and other related expenses adds up quickly,  but we consider this a highly worthwhile expense.  Our past attendance at this conference has already begun to create ongoing, encouraging dialogue with supportive physicians and other influential people in the dermatology community. This may be one of the most important things we do this year!

There has also been encouraging and ongoing dialogue with supportive physicians about the real need for funding a study of those suffering with Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW). We truly are making a difference!

Our treasurer has calculated the total cost of this trip at $4000, which is a large chunk of our annual budget. We need your help to be able to send our reps to Washington!  Please donate now to help cover these expenses. You can make a difference! Thank you!

ITSAN Red Skin Syndrome Video
Click here to see why we must tell our stories to the medical community and work as a team to make our voices heard enough to bring change!

~Building a Bridge, One Step at a Time~
American Academy of Dermatology
ITSAN Coalition of Skin Disease
~Changed Lives~
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I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do something I can do. ~Helen Keller
Copyright © 2016* 11380 Prosperity Farms Road #221E
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

ITSAN raises awareness of Red Skin Syndrome (RSS)
and supports individuals as they progress through the
phases of Topical Steroid Addiction and Withdrawal (TSA/TSW).

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