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From our field to your table. Winter CSA 2015-16
  Urban Roots Farm   
Weekly Field Notes 

Farm Talk Notes from your farmer

Whoa! It has been a great break. The farm crew has been working long hours on crop planning, seed orders, planting, working in the greenhouse and catching up on books. This next season is going to be great. We have been remodeling one of the apartments as well. The greenhouse is slowing filling up with spring plantings, and the crops in the field are enjoying every ounce of light they can get. When you get here tomorrow, there might be construction going on in the parking lot, if this is the case, my apologies. Just drive slow and park near the apartment building. We are removing half of the drive way to increase growing capacity. The mess should be cleaned up by next pick up. I look forward to seeing you all! Enjoy this Sunshine! It's a good day for a walk.
-Farmer Mel 

What's in your share this week?

Loose Leaf lettuce, Ginger (sample), Carrots (cosmic purple & baby orange), Kohlabi, Cabbage, Kale, Chard, Beets, Spinach, Garlic, Sunflower shoots and Celery. 
Bread: First come first serve: we will have a few extra loaves this week, those are $5.50
Eggs: naturally raised $5.50
Mushrooms: $4.50

This is the price for those of you that do NOT have any of this already added to your share.

The BEST thing to do with cabbage, is to just eat it!
It has amazing healing qualities and is very filling. Did you know that cabbage is well known for healing ulcers? 
My kids favorite cabbage dish: I dice up a quarter of cabbage, add 2 tsp. salt and stir. I let the cabbage sweet for about 10 min. Then, I squeeze a lime on it, and if I have it I top with a little cilantro. Also, you might shave a few carrots into the cabbage salad. This dish is great the next day as well.  
Value of your share:

We thought a few of you might enjoy knowing the retail value of your CSA share each week. I must say... there are somethings you cant put a price on. Like, being able to ask the person who grew your food, anything you want to know about the food your putting in your body. Also, knowing that this food IS local, naturally grown, fresh and Picked within a day that you get it. I also can't put a price on the economic importance of supporting each other with our dollars.  So, that said, here you will find the retail price of your veggie share each week.

This week $49.00
Weekly average  $50.00

When you get home and can't remember what the funny looking veggie was, look no further! 

Loose leaf lettuce: thin leaf, light green and red lettuce. This is great to mix with your greens mix for an amazing salad. 
Beets:Green leaves with red round roots, the leaves are amazing and the roots are the best.
Celery: Bundle of celery stalks. We cut off the plants all year as apposed to harvesting the entire plant at once. This is very strong in flavor compared to store bought celery.
Carrots: sweet baby carrots, don't peal!
Swiss chard: This is large, smooth, shinny dark leaves in a bundle. This is one of the few veggies that is best cooked. It is very good for you! Eat it.
Kale: dark green leaves, sweet flavor, can be eaten raw or cooked.
Ginger: white and pink root. Delicious in in dressings, you can stick it in the freezer and shave what you need as you need it. 
Kohlrabi: Large green leaf with green bulb. You can cook the leaves, and peal the bulb to eat raw or cooked. The bulb is the best part.
Cabbage: Big Green head of cabbage. 
Spinach: Round smooth dark green leaves. Very sweet flavor.
Garlic: Head of garlic, this will store for weeks.
Sunflower shoots: Little sprouts with two large leaves. These little guys are nutty and delicious! Eat raw anyway, or toss as a garnish on any cooked dish. 
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