This month we received some information about a possible language group assignment (aka—“allocation”) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) amongst the Mubami people. While we have not yet made a decision on this potential allocation, we hope you will join us in prayer for God's will to be made clear to us in this matter.
A Mubami village along one of the local rivers.
The Mubami (aka—“Tao-Suamato”) people number around 2,400 and live in the southern area of the Western Province in PNG along the Wawoi River, 80 miles or so up the river from the coast. They first heard the Gospel in the mid-1900s from their neighbors, the Gogodala. The Mubami are fairly typical of many people groups in PNG when it comes to their religion. While it is reported that as many as 80% would call themselves “Christian,” Joshua Project estimates that only 25-40% acknowledge Jesus “as God and only savior.” Lest we be tempted to think that evangelistic efforts amongst the Mubami are completed, Joshua Project also notes that as many as 70% of Mubami hold to their traditional animistic beliefs as well, resorting to sorcery, spell casting, and spirit appeasement for daily difficulties. Those precious few believers who do try to rely upon God to provide for their needs still do not have the ability to consult God’s Word for the answers to their daily problems since the Bible is not translated into their language.
The Mubami have been a top priority for Bible translation in PNG for some time now, since they have repeatedly made requests for translators. Unfortunately, there simply aren’t enough translators right now to meet the needs of the approximately 300 languages still waiting for a translation in PNG, and it takes a long time for translators to raise their partnership team and complete the necessary training to begin.
One of the factors that makes this particular allocation appealing to us is the fact that it is intended to eventually become a cluster project. A cluster project is a translation project that brings together several nearby languages (which may or may not be linguistically similar) in order to produce translations in each language simultaneously. Translations are done by local, mother tongue translators (MTTs) in partnership with expatriate (foreign) translators, like us. In the case of the Mubami cluster project, the plan is to eventually include four additional smaller languages. We are excited about the potential of a cluster project, since it enables us to bring God’s Word to several language groups at once!
The Mubami have been requesting a Wycliffe translator to come and translate God’s Word into their language for over 20 years. They are still waiting.
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Mat. 9:37b-38 (NIV)
We don’t yet know whether it is God’s will that we be the ones to take them his Word, or if he has someone else for the Mubami. Unfortunately, there are many tribes like the Mubami in PNG that are still waiting. Would you please pray for discernment and wisdom as we seek God’s will in this matter? Will you also prayerfully consider joining us as a financial or prayer partner in our Wycliffe ministry?
Launching Expense Budget:
Fuel Source: One-time or special gifts
Purpose of Engine: To provide for our training expenses in Dallas, airfare to PNG, etc.
Monthly Ministry Budget:
Fuel Source: Regular or monthly pledged gifts
Purpose of Engine: To provide for our monthly expenses (food, rent, insurance, etc.)
In order for us to be able to begin our assignment on time this July, we must be 100% funded in both of our Wycliffe budgets. Would you please prayerfully consider helping us get to PNG in time by becoming a financial partner?
Did you know that you may be able to double your impact on Bible translation through your company’s corporate gift matching program?
Click here to see if your company participates!
If you wish to donate by mail rather than online, send checks payable to:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200
Please include a separate note with your donation stating:
“Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Jason & Jennifer Hill, #239685.”
- Jason completed a project for one of his classes that may help a translation project in Guyana & Brazil!
- Jason completed his first class of the semester.
- Both Jason and Jennifer have lost over 10 lbs. since January 1st in preparation for the physically demanding environment in PNG!
- We received all of our passports in the mail this week!
- News about a potential allocation.
Prayer Requests
- For discernment and wisdom in our potential allocation with the Mubami.
- For more prayer and financial partners.
- For wisdom in balancing our ministry, school, and family schedules.
- For our continued weight loss and fitness improvements.
- For retention of our training at GIAL.
Jason, Jennifer, Josiah, and Isaiah Hill