
The first month of the new year is almost to a close!


In the Chinese astrology, 2016 is the year of the fire monkey - which means productivity, creativity, and inspiration on all fronts! It’s major theme brings about endurance and patience for all, and it’s a perfect time to receive invigorating energies. 2015 was the year of the earth sheep and was a turbulent year for some. The year of the sheep generally stirs up some old challenges, and brings them to the forefront of our personal development so we can acknowledge them and go deeper into the people who we want to evolve into. We still see some remnants of this as we end the month of January and begin the month of February.

January tends to have a "New Year" theme based off of the Gregorian (or Western) calendar. It's the completion of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, which forces us to evaluate the past year. New Year’s is traditionally a time when we recognize patterns, evaluating things on a larger scale - and seeing where these trends take us. At times, we recognize unhealthy patterns and we develop an awareness that we need to change something. Take a look at this article on the differences between Change and Transformation as I dive more into detail why some people’s New Year's resolutions don't stick.

How do we prepare for this coming year as we begin to finish purging what was left of 2015? Lemongrass is a very powerful herb as well as essential oil that can help with this. Lemongrass is a great scent that is strongly correlated with the solar plexus chakra (our power center). It helps one purge emotionally and detoxifies on a physical level. This is the perfect oil to diffuse when snowed in and you want to clean the house or get rid of things. Sometimes when we become attached to the past, it's hard for us to let go of things - Lemongrass helps with the process of letting go. In order for us to invite new and exciting things into our life, we must be willing to let go and make room for them.

As we enter in February, we give thanks for the coming of Spring as many are still digging themselves out of the snow of the season. Blessed Imbolc for those that celebrate and for others - happy halfway point between the darkest of Winter and beginning of Spring!

Brightest Blessings for the month ahead. Stay warm during this cold season!
Blog Post
Chronicles of Little Bear: Directory,
2 new blog posts since last newsletter
Events Calendar! See what's brewing for the month and see future events for the sound circles and journey groups

New Location for the Northern VA/MD/DC sound circles!

Eagle Therapies is now working in partnership with August Moon Farms to have a wonderful location located on a beautiful sheep farmette in Oakton, VA. People that have allergies be warned that there are sheep, chickens, dogs, and cats on the farm. Kristin Hansen is the wonderful artist that does amazing artwork that is sometimes featured on the website or Facebook page.

Eagle Therapies has been working in partnership with Namaste Holistic Health Center near Binghamton, New York for the New York Sound Circle. Patricia Barber ND is a gifted Naturopath who offers her humble abode. It's perfect for working with the ancestors we are honoring. People with allergies be warned that she has a pig, ducks, chickens, peacocks, dogs, cats, and horses on her farm.

Scents and aromatherapy tend to be used at these events, so these events might not be ideal for those with sensitivities to scents or animals. Otherwise, join us in celebration as we concentrate on honoring ourselves, the land, and our ancestors through voice, drum, rattle, and song. The whole point of these Sound Circles is to drop our awareness from our heads into our heart - where true healing can begin.

Join in on the fun and bring your true self and your dancing shoes!

Northern VA/MD/DC Sound Circle - February 7th @ 1 PM in Oakton, VA
New York Sound Circle - February 28th @ 1 PM in Binghamton, NY
Two Webinar opportunities have come up!

Since the Journey Groups have been doing well with google hangouts, I've decided to pursue teaching with this technology. I've started with two of the most popular classes that I teach. Since I've developed such a wide network of people that are not local, I've decided it's also easier for a lot more people to attend if these classes were offered virtually. If there is a topic you would like me to talk about, suggestions are always welcome.

Essential Oils and Energy Work: February 11th @ 7 PM
Essential Oils and Pets: February 25th at 7 PM

If you RSVP as a "Yes" and attend the webinar, please submit your address and I will send you a sample vial of one of the showcased oils. If you are local or will be at one of the events I host, I will even throw in a free Wellness Consult where I can personally sit down with you and go over personal concerns and how natural remedies can fit into the lifestyle you are trying to create.
What is the journey group up to this month? 
For the month of February we will be continuing the work of Angeles Arrien and exploring the courageous heart. Click here for outline. November, we explored the love of the healer. December we explored the strength of the warrior. January we explored the power of the teacher. In February we will be delving into the Visionary and diving deeper into what it means to live with a courageous heart. 

Interested in journeying and how it can help deepen your practice? Read this brief synopsis. Interested in the structure of the Journey Group in Fairfax? Click here for more information.

There is now a digital version where people can journey at home and participate in community! If you have google hangouts and a will, you can choose to be here with us no matter the distance! Either RSVP on Facebook by joining the Facebook group to get the link to join us on hangouts, or shoot an email to 

The Journey groups are run off of donations. If you would like to donate, please either bring cash or click the button below to send an electronic donation. Payment is based off of the honor code, and if these are bringing you fulfillment, then please consider giving back to the cause so this information can continue to be spread freely. If monetary donations cannot be made, then consider donating by spreading the word for people who might get benefit out of this group and community. 

Showcased Events:

Karmafest Winter Lecture Series: February 6th and 7th.
Lovely event with many great speakers, vendors, and healers. We will have a table at this event, so feel free to come and visit! Browse the shops and stay for the music in the evening. Camping is also an option.

Essential Emotions & Mood Management Workshop
February 10th at 7 PM in Herndon, VA
Join us for a wonderful class done by Colleen McCartney of Totally Essential, with guest speaker Jennifer Young. Explore the emotional benefits of essential oils and learn about holistic aromatherapy.

Interested in more blog posts or events that help with the evolution of the month? 
Follow some of these interesting links that help support your personal development and nourish your soul.
Interested in chant circles or yoga that is based more on sound healing? Come to some of the events that BE Yoga hosts! It is run by Gita Zember, who owns Gita's Dream. Gita has studied abroad in India, and occasionally runs weekend workshops at Yogaville. The community chant circles are every Tuesday evening starting at 6 pm, and there is a Vegetarian potluck once a month. Here is a link to their newsletter for the month.

The Power Path Forecast is something that I personally check into once monthly to see the trends of the month and how that plays into interacting with others. This month the theme is about transition. A lot of people are having difficulty because there is this energy that's circulating which makes us feel like we are "up in the air". The Power Path forecast helps bring insight to deepen your practice. 

Sandra Ingerman is another person that I follow. She is a leading Shamanic Practitioner who has laid the foundation for a grounded Shamanic Practice. Here is a link to her transmutation news. Her insights are always brilliant and add layers to the way one sees the world around us. 
Be the change you want to see in the world. Fly high and have a great month!
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