We are not waiting for Punxatawney Phil to announce that winter is over. We're pulling out the big snow shovel and tire chains.
We know we promised photos of the new mainsail on the BOB, but the weather and schedules just haven't meshed, so here's a placeholder... Note the whale?
It's raining bookings, lately, but we have open trips throughout the summer. We'd like to highlight June 9-15 sailing Juneau to Petersburg. We are planning on spending a lot of time this summer around Petersburg - our little Norway - and hope you can join us. It was voted best boating destination by Yachting magazine recently and it's not hard to see why. But don't worry, this scenic little port-of-call is just a dream for most yachts. It's like listing Annapurna as the best mountain for hiking. But we can make this dream happen for you. For some ideas on things to do in town, check out Frommer's.
For more info on these and the rest of our adventures, see our available trips page.
The Petersburg trips always manage to delight us with something incredible. In 2010 it was a washed up 13' long giant squid. Maybe we'll find a few more monsters this summer.
Besides chasing the elusive legend called "snow", winters in Sitka involve a lot of informal gatherings and local happenings. We are lucky to live in a place that draws world-class performers to such a small town, and we recently caught Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas playing traditional and modern Scottish, Finnish, Cape Breton, Appalachian, and (even) Spanish folk tunes. Highly recommended. We added them to the official boat iTunes for the summer.
The captain sends out a big enthusiastic "hi" from the bridge.