stanford center on poverty and inequality
A weekly digest from the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality. Featuring upcoming talks, conferences, grant opportunities, and more.
Friday January 22
xav briggs
The Inequality Debate We Should Be Having

OpenXChange and the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality invite members of the campus community to join a conversation with the Ford Foundation's Xavier Briggs, moderated by CPI Director David Grusky. 

January 22, Sweet Hall 020, 4:15 pm
Stanford-Berkeley Immigration Conference

Stanford University and UC Berkeley are hosting their 3rd annual Immigration Conference. This year's line-up includes panels on the state and immigrant rights, attitudes toward immigrants, and immigrant identity.

January 22, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS), 9 am

Tuesday January 26
glenn loury
Racial Inequality in 21st Century America

There is a huge gap in the wealth, asset holdings, schooling, imprisonment, employment, and mortality of black and white Americans. Glenn Loury explores the nature of racial inequality in today’s America, and the threat this poses to the character of American democracy. 

January 26, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS), 5:30 pm

Monday February 1
2016 sotu
State of the Union on Poverty and Inequality

The CPI is hosting its 3rd annual State of the Union conference. In the 2016 report, we assess how the U.S. stacks up against peer countries on such key indicators as poverty, labor market performance, health inequality, income inequality, wealth inequality, spatial segregation, educational inequality, social mobility, and safety net performance.

February 1, Koret-Taube Conference Center, 10 am
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by Grant Number 1H79AE000101 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and receives funding from the Elfenworks Foundation.

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