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Sacred Music Studies
Year 2 - February
If you are a new subscriber, or if you are prone to homeschool winter burn-out, or if you're just plain stressed or busy,  please know that all of this can be done in your own time, and at your own pace. If all you get to do is listen to the new hymn, that's enough.

My goal for my own family is to teach my children hymns that either 1) follow the Liturgical year, or 2) offer some devotional food for their souls.  

Why are you learning these new hymns every month? I'd love to hear from you!
Month at-a-glance:

Hymn: On the Way of the Cross

Gregorian chant: Words with Wings

Extra Listening for Enjoyment: O Bone Jesu
Hymn: On the Way of the Cross

A Few Facts:
  • The author of the text is Sir John Randolph Leslie, 3rd Baronet (24 September 1885 – 14 August 1971), otherwise known as Shane Leslie. He was a first cousin of Sir William Churchill, and a convert to Catholicism. 
  • This hymn was included in pamphlet No. 26 "Hymns for Lent" published by McLaughlin & Reilly Co.
Hymn Score PDF
The above PDF is from the Pius X Hymnal.
The entire hymnal is available free online at Corpus Christi Watershed
Audio - Spotify
Please consider buying a copy of Lent at Ephesus to support the Benedictines of Mary. I think I own their entire collection...worth every cent!


Who is this passing by Wounded and worn,
Who is this wearing a Crown of thorn?
See the face beautiful! Bowed to the road,
While the hands delicate! Drag His load.

O He is sinking fast! Spent is His strength,
See He is lying so Still at length.
Yet must He struggle on, Falling again,
Thrice is He stricken to Earth by pain.

Jesus of Galilee, Scorned and alone,
Not yet forsaken of All Thine own.
Lord, we will follow Thee Suff'ring betrayed,
Eager to stand, where Thy cross is laid.

Tracing each drop of Thy Blood in the dust,
Counting each wound where Thy Scourge was thrust. 
Jesus of Galilee Stricken and torn,
Give us a share in Thy Crown of thorn.

New American Cursive Practice
(You can build your own copywork pages at
Gregorian Chant

We started Words with Wings in January, and so far so good. The audio samples are helping my 8-year-old to sing in tune...a nice surprise. The recordings seem to be on a good pitch for him to learn. If you have any questions about using this resource, I'm an email away.

This program is for children who can read words, can sing mostly on pitch, and have a little knowledge about solfege (do, re, mi, etc.) If your child isn't ready, may I suggest the Gregorian chant coloring book? (Or just listen to Gregorian chant! See the next section of this Newsletter for some options.) 
February Lessons:

  • Lessons 5-8 and corresponding Workbook Pages
  • Audio files 9-20 (the lessons tell you when to listen online)
Extra Listening for Enjoyment:
  • O Bone Jesu - ascribed to Palestrina (length 1:42) An ancient Latin invocation. Translated: O good Jesus, have mercy upon us, for Thou hast created us, Thou hast redeemed us by Thy most precious blood. (If your choir wants to learn it, it is hymn #216 in the Pius X Hymnal.)
  • Chant Kyriale (CCWatershed) - did you know there are 18 different Gregorian Mass settings?

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Connect on the Google+ Community

I started a Google+ community for these studies. This has great potential for being a place to: 1) discuss the music we are learning each month, and 2) share our learning experiences with others. I think it would be helpful if Q&A, interesting facts found, or other helpful information could be easily seen and discussed by all.  Think of it as an online study and support group. 

Let's enjoy this learning experience together!

If you are new to Google+,  here's a great tutorial on getting started
Sacred Music Studies Community
Sacred Music Studies Community
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