It's not too late! Deadline for submitting all your challenges is Motza'ei Shabbos at midnight!
Hakaras HaTov (Gratitude)
Reminder: You must submit ALL of your answers and challenges by 
midnight on Motza'ei Shabbos (New York timezone).
Click here to read the Thought of the Week
Results of this past week's
Special Tu B'Shvat Challenges:

132 brachos said with the kavannah of thanking Hashem
33 people davened for a beautiful esrog
Yasher Koach!!!
Trivia Questions 
(1 point for every good answer you provide.)
Question 1:

Which person in the Chumash is known as the first person to thank Hashem, and what did they thank Hashem for?

Question 2:

Where in Shabbos davening do we say: “Wow, Hashem, You have done so many great things for us.... we can NEVER repay You for all your kindnesses!!”

Question 3:

What passuk do we say in Hallel that means: “How can I ever repay Hashem for all His kindnesses to me?”

Question 4:

Which song in the Pesach Haggadah recounts a long list of many kindnesses that Hashem did for us, and emphasizes that each one of these kindnesses ALONE would be enough that we would be obligated to thank Hashem for even just that ONE kindness?

Question 5:

When Hashem gave Moshe Rabbeinu his mission to take the Jewish people out of Egypt, Moshe did not leave right away. Moshe felt a debt of gratitude to someone and therefore had to ask this person for permission first, before leaving for Egypt. From whom did Moshe go to ask permission to leave? (Hint: See Shemos Perek 4 and Shemos Rabbah 4:2)

Question 6:

The Midrash Shochar Tov (Mizmor 56) says that after Moshiach comes, we will no longer bring any korbanos (sacrifices)... except for one. Which sacrifice will we still bring?

Click here to print all Trivia Questions
The answers to these questions will be provided in next week's email iyH.

Submit your answers here (by midnight on Motza'ei Shabbos!)
Questions to Ponder
(Answers will not be provided.)

Question 1

There are many times in Tanach - and in Jewish history in general - where people have bowed down to demonstrate their gratitude to another person. Why do you think bowing down is a proper way to express gratitude? Why not move the body in a different way?

Question 2

On a related note... why do you think we sometimes bow down as we say the word “Baruch” in “Baruch Atah Hashem”? (The answer may be related to next week’s insight!)

Question 3

Why do you think we sometimes feel uncomfortable expressing appreciation to people? What thoughts or feelings hold us back from saying “thank you”?

Question 4

Tosfos in the Talmud Yerushalmi speaks of a certain plant which has an interesting nature: As long as the plant is connected to the mother plant from which it draws sustenance, its leaves are turned away from the mother plant. But as soon as the child plant detaches from the mother plant, the leaves turn to face the mother plant. What lesson does this teach us about hakaras hatov?

Click here to print all Questions to Ponder

Activity Challenge
(2 points per day)
This week's Activity Challenge was (and still is):
Say "Thank you" to someone who helped you or gave you enjoyment, but choose someone who was doing it anyway, without specifically having you in mind.

Write a "Letter to the Editor" thanking them for a magazine you enjoy reading.
Thank the janitor in your school or workplace.

Thank the mailman for delivering your mail.
Call or email a company to say thank you for creating an item that benefits you - such as the company that created your fridge, computer, favorite pens, etc.

If it is hard to reach the person or company, you can just say your "thank you" out loud, by saying, for example: "I appreciate the people who plow the snow on my street so that I can walk and drive safely."

After you do the activity challenge each day, click the button below.
Submit your Activity Challenges here (by midnight Motza'ei Shabbos!)
Creativity Challenges
(1 point per submission)
(5 points if yours is voted "Best Creative Submission of the Month")
Write a rhyme describing how you have benefitted from different inanimate objects or "behind the scenes" people. What kind of things would you do - or not do - to demonstrate your appreciation for them?

Each rhyme must be at least 2 lines.
You can write your rhyme in any form: regular, limerick, haiku, or grammen-style.

HINT: Use if you need help you thinking of rhyming words.

Click here to see the rhymes submitted so far!
Submit Your Rhyme Here (by midnight on Motza'ei Shabbos!)
Draw a picture of at least one "behind the scenes" person who does something to benefit you. Like the janitor, the mailman, the editor of the newspaper, etc.

Email your picture (take a photo, or scan it in) to, together with a brief caption describing what the picture shows.
Please write as your subject line: Drawing Challenge Week 3

Click here to see the pictures that were submitted so far!
If you do at least 1 Activity Challenge + 1 Creativity Challenge per week, you'll be entered into a raffle at the end of the month to win a prize!
Submit all your challenges by Motza'ei Shabbos!
Earn BONUS POINTS by referring
your friends and relatives!
For every friend you refer who signs up, you will get 1 bonus point!
When your friend signs up, they will be asked who referred them to the program.
If they write your name, you will earn a bonus point.

Tell your friends to sign up here.
Earn an Everlasting Z'chus!
Sponsorships are available! If you would like to sponsor this program in honor of someone, as a z'chus for someone to have a refuah sheleimah, to find a shidduch, or l'ilui nishmas someone, please email
You can reach 500+ people!
We are now offering you the opportunity to advertise your business or service in our weekly emails, which reach over 500 people from 8 different countries around the world. Please contact us for details.
Click here to see all past emails.

Click here to read the rules of the contest.

This week is dedicated by Natalie Berenstein l'ilui nishmas her mother, Chaya Chana Yehudis bas Yitzchak Yisroel, a"h for her Yahrzeit on 14 Shevat.
This month's prizes are sponsored l'ilui nishmas Toba Tzvetl bas Lepa, a"h.
This entire program is dedicated l'ilui nishmas Chai Henna Rivka bas Menachem Mendel a"h, a woman who - despite tremendous pain and physical disabilities - was always smiling, striving to grow, yearning to learn more Torah, and finding ways to make others happy.
Thank you for reading all the way to the bottom of this email! :)

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