Expressway News from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority

Expressway News

January 20, 2016

Happy New Year from the Mobility Authority! 

2015 marked another year of record-setting progress on the Central Texas mobility front. Building on the success of 183A and 290 Toll, we’re working hard to provide innovative, multi-modal transportation solutions to tackle traffic congestion and improve your commute. The community we serve is at the heart of all we do, so we’re taking you on a brief tour of the past year’s milestones and offer a preview of what’s in store for 2016.

In the Rearview Mirror


Express Lane to the Future 
When the MoPac Improvement Project is complete, it will have a lasting impact on Austin for decades to come. Sound walls to enhance quality of life for adjacent neighborhoods, significant cyclist and pedestrian accommodations and aesthetic enhancements are just a few key features of this project. And while significant progress was made in 2015, the contractor is behind schedule. We know you’re anxious to cruise the fresh pavement, and we’re eager to open the road to traffic. That is why we’re working with the contractor to get back on track, minimize delays and ultimately move this project toward completion.

Local Collaboration
We partnered with Travis County to improve traffic congestion on Pearce Lane and Ross Road. In March 2015, the new, non-tolled Kellam Road opened to traffic, offering up a new transportation corridor and opening the door to future development in the area.

Breaking new ground 
In cooperation with TxDOT, we broke ground in early 2015 on widening and improving SH 71 from Presidential Boulevard to SH 130 to help keep the SH 71 corridor moving for commuters and those traveling to the airport. The 3.9 mile toll road will be complete late this year.


COmmunity conversations

The communities we serve have diverse needs and varied interests. It is our commitment to the collective community to engage with residents to ensure we ultimately build projects the entire community can embrace. In 2015, we held many Stakeholder Workshops, Open Houses, and a Public Hearing and we are proud to report that public input continued to shape our projects:

MoPac South: As a result of public feedback, we proposed six additional operational configuration options and extended the environmental study period to encourage valued community participation. 

Oak Hill Parkway: At an Open House last fall, the residents of Oak Hill reviewed two proposed designs aimed at reducing elevated structures, adding cyclist and pedestrian accommodations, and additional environmental considerations.

183 North Mobility Project: 183 North commuters weighed in on proposed improvements to an 8-mile segment of the congested corridor between SH 45 North and MoPac. In addition to expanding non-tolled capacity, this project will feature extensive cyclist and pedestrian access.

The News Year Brings a Renewed Outlook on Projects on the horizon


Setting the Stage
183 South hit a major milestone in late 2015 when we secured full financing for the $800 million project aimed at providing a non-stop signal-free route to the airport. In April we’ll break ground on the largest road project in Central Texas since SH 130. The scope includes upgrading the current four lane divided highway to a six lane tolled expressway with two-to-three non-tolled frontage lanes along a 7.2-mile stretch of US 183 between US 290 and SH 71.

This project is a key example of our investment in the community we serve. Not only will the new roadway connect East Austin to surrounding neighborhoods, it will expand economic opportunity along the entire corridor, benefiting our entire region.

Laying the Foundation

SH 130/US 290 Intersection Improvements
We’re thrilled that so many Central Texas commuters are embracing the option to bypass congestion in southeast Austin by traveling the 290 Toll Road. To address the mobility and safety concerns apparent during peak travel periods, we’ll begin construction of interim improvements early this year while plans for a permanent direct connector between SH 130 and US 290 are developed.

Stay Connected in 2016!

Thanks for joining us on this quick tour! Don’t forget to visit our Projects and Programs page for the most up-to-date information about all of our projects.
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