Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.

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take care [of yourself]

When you end a conversation with Take care, what do you actually mean? Do you say it because it's one of your autopilot closing statements, or does it come from a place of truly hoping that the person you're saying it to takes care of [insert noun]?

I am not typically one to sign off, whether written or verbal, with anything other than a hug and enthusiastic goodbye, but lately I've spoken/emailed/texted with a few people who I genuinely felt could use the encouragement to take care of themselves.

It feels much more authentic to say things and mean it as opposed to using a phrase void of meaning, which all ensues by acting from a mindful place. Easy enough, right [kind of]?

So what needs taking care of? To me it's my Self [body/mind], my loved ones, and the planet. When these things are cared for, life feels more, if not just a little, balanced.

Next question - how do we care for these things? We have enough to worry about from finance to deadlines to feeding ourselves and possibly others. When we care for anything whole heartedly though, even when time/life is testing us, doesn't it just feel good to practice the act of caring for something?

Click here for the full post including a few ways I care for these things, especially in my New Year's intention to play out the year in a clear, peaceful and healthy way.

There are an incalculable amount of ways to care for ourselves and others - I encourage all of us to continue experimenting and find what suits us best so they become simple, non-negotiable routines.

I am creating something special and would love insights from this stellar community. What does taking care of your mind, body and planet mean to you, and how do you do it? What do you love about it and what totally confuses you?

Please share by emailing me or leaving a commentand read on for a clean delicious breakfast, good music and more.

*Photo by Renee Choi, wearing Hyde at Lucent Yoga in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

recipe: savory + sweet breakfast

One of the most common questions I get from clients is what I eat, and sometimes it couldn't be simpler than steamed veggies with toast.

This is not so much a recipe as a suggestion to a hearty breakfast that fulfills the sweet and savory flavors our body needs for optimal balance.

Click here for a quick, easy and healthy meal idea to make to your taste!

Want a heart bowl [designed by my friend Ksenia of Breakfast Criminals]? Get one here.

yoga + pilates barbados

2 rooms left - grab a friend and make a run for it.

Click here for details and to register!

Can't make the retreat? Join my vinyasa FUNdamentals workshop on March 5th.

best healthy deals

My favorite things, discounted for you!

Sakara: SASHALOVE15 for 15% off
DRINKmaple: sashamaple for 15% off
LifeEquals: SNEL75 75% off subscription

music pick

Jarryd James

Do You Remember

farewell for now...

Check in with yourself. What could benefit from your undivided attention and unconditional care?

Not sure where to start? Never hestitate to reach out

Spread the wealth, spread the health.

peace, love, and take care.
Copyright © 2016 sasha yoga + wellness, All rights reserved.