And do you know what happened to Pa's fiddle?
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During the giveaway last month, people began sharing their everyday, heart-warming moments with us using the hashtag #LittleHouseMoment. We were so touched by these beautiful moments that we decided to gather 20 of our favorite #LittleHouseMoment photos to share with you! You’ll enjoy seeing the winner of the giveaway with her prize, a fun event with the TV actors, and creative crafts and recipes.

Craftsy is carrying 3 Little House on the Prairie® quilt kits and pre-cut fabric bundles that we love. To celebrate the New Year and this beautiful collection of kits, we're hosting a Prairie Life Quilt Kit Giveaway valued at $199.95. This prize not only includes the Prairie Life Quilt Kit with the iconic running girl, but also a DVD of The Legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder documentary. Enter Today!

Every Little House on the Prairie fan remembers Pa and his fiddle-playing fondly and with a warm heart. Through hard times and celebrations, his fiddle made music to cheer, encourage, and comfort the Ingalls family and their friends. But did you know that his fiddle was real and has survived the test of time? Learn about the history of Pa’s fiddle and how it is still played today in this insightful article by Pamela Smith Hill!

The Little House on the Prairie Season 8 Deluxe Remastered Edition is now available on DVD (plus Digital)! With 18 hours of content, the 5-disc set includes all 22 newly restored and re-mastered uncut broadcast-length episodes along with two beloved movie specials, “Look Back to Yesterday” and “The Last Farewell.” Experience the Olesons’ adoption of Nancy, share memories with the Wilders and Ingalls when snowed in at Christmas; witness Almanzo’s stroke and the birth of baby Rose. We’d love to hear what some of your favorite moments are from Season 8.

“Laura was proud to be helping Ma with the milking, and she carried the lantern very carefully. Its sides were of tin, with places cut in them for the candle-light to shine through. When Laura walked behind Ma on the path to the barn, the little bits of candle-light from the lantern leaped all around her on the snow.”
Don’t you just love Laura’s vivid descriptions? See how to make your own, simple DIY version of Laura’s tin lantern.

Have you ever wished you could build your own model of the house that Pa built on the Little House on the Prairie TV show? You aren’t the only one! One clever LEGO creator, Brick Avenger, has submitted an idea for LEGO to create a Little House on the Prairie® LEGO set. But we need your help. LEGO will only consider an idea with 10,000 votes so please log in and cast your vote for the beautifully designed Plum Creek LEGO set today. We need all the fans to come out in full force to make Brick’s dream a reality!

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