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The Viva Village Voice, Feb. 2016
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The Viva Village Voice

Issue IV, February 2016

The Viva Village Voice is an e-publication of Viva Village. It appears every two months.  Back issues (August, October, and December 2015) may be viewed on the website, Viva Village is a member of the Villages NW nonprofit Hub and Spoke Network. We are one of seven Villages being formed in the Portland area. Another Village—Eastside Village—became a fully functioning Village offering services to members on October 1, 2015.

To learn more about the Village movement locally, nationally, and internationally, please visit Villages NW online at or email Contact the Viva Village Voice at


Staff: Editor, Ross Miller; Graphic Artist, Judith Feinstein; Layout, Kathlyn Brown


(The Viva Village Voice's sister publication, the Weekly Update, will skip this week.
Watch for it the weekend of February 21-22.) 


… The last Planning Group at Elsie Stuhr Senior Center, Dec. 12, honoring Viva Village co-chairs Rae Coleman and Nancy Miller.

… Electing members of the Governing Council: Kathlyn Brown, Kathe Fradkin, Terry Mishler, Bonnie Barksdale, Rae Coleman, and Larry Brown. In January, the Governors began guiding Viva Village through the final steps leading to our “launch” as a service-providing organization later this year (October).

… And, ending with a flourish, THE VIVA VILLAGE HOLIDAY GALA, December 18.

Viva Village Holiday Gala

Gala Gifts Help Vose Elementary School

Donated Kids' books

Viva Villager Carmela Bowns shares some words about the recipients of the Gala books: Vose Elementary School.

Vose Elementary’s 700 students (2013-14) reflect the Vose community: The majority of Vose Elementary families are living at or below the poverty level, with 84% of families receiving free or reduced prices lunches. (The Beaverton School District average is about 32%.) It is a Title I school and has the second highest population rate of families below the poverty level in the District. Approximately seventy percent of Vose students are English Language learners, compared to a District-wide rate of 15%. Ten different languages are spoken by Vose Elementary students. Nonetheless, Vose Elementary is above average, a Level 4 out of 5, based on state-wide standards. It has a Two-Way Immersion Program in which Spanish speakers learn English, and English speakers learn Spanish.

Vose also has a Pages as Pillars Program, which provides paperback books to Vose Elementary students who have few or no books of their own at home. In the 2014-15 school year, the Program provided books to about 235 students – representing students whose parents responded that their child had fewer than 0-5 books at home. Each child received 5 books, in both English and Spanish. There is still a huge unmet need to reach students who have no more than 6-10 books at home.



Villages NW President Receives
Kaiser Permanente Award


Alison BahrDr. Alison Bahr, President of Villages NW (that’s our Hub, our Mother Ship, the outfit to which all seven emerging Villages in the Portland area belong, and yes, the entity which was named “best new non-profit of the year” by Portland Magazine,) has been named one of two regional recipients of the 2015 David Lawrence Community Service Awards for her work in bringing the Village movement to the Portland Metro area.

The David Lawrence Community Service Awards (DLCSA)—named in honor of Dr. David Lawrence, former CEO of Kaiser Permanente and a strong advocate of improving health—are presented each year “to recognize individuals and groups who champion outstanding initiatives demonstrating extraordinary efforts to improve the health of our communities.”  

A $10,000 grant to Villages NW accompanies the award. “I am thrilled this generous gift will provide support for our open and opening program villages,” Dr. Bahr announced.



Twenty-one volunteers gave 472 hours in December (or admitted their hours devoted to Viva Village):  Bonnie Barksdale, Carmela Bowns, Don P. Wolf, Terri Mishler, Ellin Johnson, Frieda Pardo, Gerry Barksdale, Gerry Lukos, Janet Wolf, Kathy Brown, Kathe Fradkin, Larry Brown, Lyn Trainer, Marshall C. Goldberg, Nilze Sumner, Rae Coleman, Regina Ford, Ross Miller, Dick Eyde.

In 2015 – January through November – forty-three volunteers served 6030 hours for Viva Village.

volunteer graphic

Want to join this blessed company of Viva Village Volunteers? The work of Village-building uses a variety of skills and knowledge. Ponder your gifts as you check out the various Action Teams. Then, contact the leader or leaders about opportunities. For example, the Marketing Team needs a person to facilitate a hard copy of our newsletter, The Viva Village Voice, to our approximately 50 V friends without email. Some folding, addressing, stamping needed. (And there are many other openings for service.) 

Contact the lead
er of the team that looks most interesting to you. Check below for Teams and Governing Council liaisons:

Governing Council:
Kathe Fradkin, co-chair:
Larry Brown, co-chair:
Bonnie Barksdale:
Kathy Brown:
Rae Coleman:
Terri Mishler:



Marshall Goldberg:  (Another) Top Doc

Marshall Goldbeg

Though Marshall Goldberg should be a doggie doctor (more on that ahead), his CV relates to epidemiology and public health, with an MD from the University of Maryland and later, a masters from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health in the ‘70s. This “Balmer” native (see Big City in Maryland”) and his family then went on to travel extensively.

First, there was a stint in Denmark, to probe the vagaries of an autoimmune disease (sarcoidosis) and its relation to pine tree pollen. Denmark appealed enough for the family to entertain thoughts of a permanent move there, but they decided not to. Vegetarians at the time, the senior Goldbergs were eventually daunted by the limited foodstuffs for their diet in a meat-oriented nation. Further, their very young children were differently persuaded; Marshall describes their vocal rebellion against the practice, once howling “meat! meat!” in a restaurant.

From the pines of Denmark, Marshall and family headed back across the pond and the United States to Vancouver, B.C., to work at the city’s public health department and to do more clinical study at Vancouver General Hospital. Eventually, Kaiser Permanente, Oregon, beckoned, with many years' work in Portland-area clinics.

No surprise that Marshall has a vision for a Viva Village medical pilot program that would offer a variety of medical support services. Ranging from the basic (e.g., transportation to medical appointments) to complex (being a presence at a doctor appointment or at hospital discharge time and beyond), volunteers could be the proverbial eyes and ears at a challenging time. Other aspects of this medical safety net figure into his hopes for the development of the Viva Village volunteer offerings.

Augmenting this worthy compendium are related issues that Marshall hopes can be part of the Viva Village ’s truly inclusive outreach: a Spanish language component and provision for those on limited income. And lots of health education.

Marshall and Ava BelleFun stuff for Marshall features on-and-off woodcarving, a love of NW Indian art, and 20-plus years as an ESL tutor. But how about the dogs? Meet Ava Belle, luckiest pup in Raleigh Hills, loved and tended in unusual ways, including her daily tooth brushing (no floss, though) by the master. Ava Belle’s predecessor was a Clumber spaniel, etymologically, perhaps, a blend of CLutz and LUMBERing. Google “Clumbers,” and you’ll find many of the same charming features as our subject doctor: loyal, calm, dignified, affectionate, great hearted, with a mischievous streak. You heard it here!

Marshall. Loves. Dogs.


(Viva Village volunteer Ellin Johnson wrote this piece after her interview with Marshall.
Judith Feinstein provided the drawing.)





February 13, 2016, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Introduction to the Village concept and Viva Village, our Beaverton area village-in-formation.

Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th St Beaverton, OR 97005

RSVP or 503-312-7675

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February 18, 6:30-8 pmWine Glasses
Giovanni’s Restaurant

Italian Appetizers, Entrees, and Desserts
Chiantis available, some with roosters

12390 SW Broadway, Beaverton
(At the corner of Hall and Broadway, 
On the #76 and #78 bus lines)

RSVP or 503-644-7417

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Dawson CreekFebruary 20, 2016
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Meet at the waterfall behind the library at 1 pm.

There are several lakes, behind the library, connected by a nearly flat paved trail that are all part of the Dawson Creek Business Park. The public is welcome. Dogs are welcome on leash.

Park at the north end of the library (left side as you face the library) near the bike rackDucks at Dawson Ck. to take a quick paved trail to the lake behind the library. If you come through the library you can use the stairs or wheelchair ramp down to the lake from the back side of the library. You can loop around one lake or several. There is a beautiful waterfall area and lots and lots of beautiful ducks. 

Hillsboro Public Library Backyard 2850 NE Brookwood Pkwy Hillsboro, OR 97124

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VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION for people who have already attended an informational 101 meeting

February 23, 2016, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pmMeeting graphic

Information about opportunities to volunteer in Viva Village.

12350 SW 5th Street, #100 (across from the library)

RSVP or 503-644-7320

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Viva Village Sponsors Help Session on Emergency Planning for Seniors

EarthquakeDisaster Readiness 101: Emergency Planning for Seniors, will be held February 27, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
in Room A of the Beaverton City Library.  

Claudia Steiner-Fricker, volunteer outreach team leader for the Beaverton Emergency Management Department, will provide specific information on how older householders can best prepare for environmental and other hazards with the potential to overwhelm 911 services in our area. Attendees will receive a free emergency blanket and handout materials with comprehensive instructions for developing a readiness plan.  There will be ample time for questions. 

To RSVP, email, or call 503-841-2357.

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white rose

Coming again in March—by popular demand—

Gardening for Seniors, featuring Barbara Blossom and her panel of gardening friends

MARCH 19, 10-12 am  LEEDY GRANGE

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Also in March, the Viva Village Book Club … 

JUST MERCY, by Brian Stephenson. This true story is at once an unforgettable account of an idealistic, gifted young lawyer’s coming of age, a moving window into the lives of those he has defended, and an inspiring argument for compassion in the pursuit of justice.

Tuesday, March 29, 6:30-8:30 pm
at a home in the Westbrook community in Beaverton

RSVP or 503-644-7417



Six interested and interesting people gathered this month for a lively exchange of ideas about Blessings by Anna Quindlen. You would think that a book with this name might be about gratitude but it was not; it was much more! This powerful novel was about love, redemption, personal change and character development. Through her beautiful and exquisite use of language, the author depicted how, in an instant, lives can be changed forever. How fun to discuss how we connected to this book at many different levels!



Not an Epidemic, Not Ebola, Not Zika, 

Not even Chipotle, say the Viva Village Docs…

Still, there’s concern among the Viva Villagers. Something strange and unsettling happened on January 9. Many found themselves drawn to Elsie’s. After all, it was the second Saturday of the month. They looked for the sign indicating the site of the Viva Village Planning Group meeting, where they could pick up their well-worn name tags. Some were disturbed enough to seek the help of the Viva Village Docs, Goldberg and Brown.

Elsie StuhrThe Docs were neither alarmed nor surprised that people of the dominant Viva Village demographic might be upset by change. After two years of Saturday morning meetings of the Viva Village Planning Group, a Governing Council had been elected to chart the course of the Village towards its final destination: becoming a fully formed, functioning, service-providing Village. Though the Docs refused a diagnosis without further tests and, of course, proof of insurance, both suggested the possibility that the ailing Villagers were likely exhibiting P.G. withdrawal symptoms. (P.G. = Planning Group. What else could it mean with that age group? Unless your name is Sarah or Hannah or Elizabeth. See Elder and Younger Testaments for details.) After two years of faithful P.G. participation, that “no obligation” second Saturday each month seems almost sinful. 

The Docs recommend patience. Drop by Elsie’s for a game of pool. Wear your name tag. Get together with your P.G. friends. At Giovanni’s on third Thursdays, or the Book Club every two months. Or what about the monthly walks? Or the February event, “Preparing for Disaster 101?” That should be fun! Or, says Dr. Brown, head of Viva Village Finance Committee, “Write a check, $1000 or less, to Villages NW with the notation “fbo Viva Village.” (fbo = for the benefit of)




It Takes A Vilage

Transportation is the most requested service in Villages across the U.S.

Drawings are by Judith Feinstein, text by Ross Miller, and layout by Kathy Brown.


Viva Village is a member of the Villages NW
nonprofit Hub and Spoke Network.
Copyright © 2016 Viva Village, All rights reserved.

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