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Let Your Light Shine

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16 NIV


Ever feel like all eyes are on you?


Living as a blonde-haired-family-of-five in an area where light locks are not the norm generally means two things: I can find my husband and kids easily in a crowd, and often times, others “know” me before we are formally introduced.


More than once I have met a person for what I thought was the first time and, after stating my name and holding out my hand, heard this response: “Oh I know. I’ve seen you and your kids at the grocery store.”


Jesus assures us that having others watching us can indeed be a good thing. In fact, he wants us to take advantage of it. “Let your light shine before men,” he says to us.


These words, first spoken to Jesus’ disciples during the Sermon on the Mount, come only verses after Jesus states that we, as Christians, are the light of the world.


We are not the light because we have acted in ways that have merited this title. On our own, we are nothing but darkness, blotted with thousands upon thousands of stains as a result of our sinful nature.  


Jesus is the true light of the world. Through his innocent death and resurrection, he delivered a remedy for our stain-soaked soul. By our faith in him, we now reflect his light.


In our daily lives, we have the chance to bring glory to God’s name through our deeds. Jesus encourages us to carry out good works, not in a way to bring attention to ourselves, but rather to help point others to the true source of our light.


When we do, we may receive a positive response from others; we might also be met up with ridicule or scorn for living as a Christian. God wants us to live worry-free of the reactions of others who might look down on us. Rather, let our prayer be that, regardless of how others respond, they may eventually have a chance to know our Father in heaven and believe in Him.


Ask the Lord
Dear Jesus, thank you for being the light of the world. Thank you also for graciously calling me to be your child and to reflect your light. Grant me opportunities to serve and shine for you. In your name I pray, Amen.


Rachel Hartman


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