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Issued: February 1, 2016

Former West Hatch student receives Queen's Scout Award

Former West Hatch student Adam Taylor has received the highest honour in scouting, the Queen's Scout Award in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey.

Adam joined the Scout Movement at the age of four, as a Beaver Scout, and when he turned 18 he became a Scout Leader for Scouts and Explorer Scouts.

Adam said: "What has attracted me over the years is the traditions, British beliefs and ethos such as the Scout Promise and the wealth of heritage scouting has across the world. Also, adventure.

"I have been to most countries in Europe doing everything from canoeing, biking, hiking and axe throwing.

"This opportunity has meant I have been able to hike within the Dartmoor and Snowdonia National Parks and see the natural beauty of Great Britain. The biggest attraction of Scouting is friendship and loyalty.

"I have met amazing Scouts from Germany, France and Holland over the years however the leadership team at 1st Chigwell & Chigwell Row Scout Group is an excellent group of friends who have a common interest and that is Scouts."

Adam took four years to achieve the award and is one of only 500 Scouts each year to receive the honour.

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