stanford center on poverty and inequality
A weekly digest from the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality. Featuring upcoming talks, conferences, grant opportunities, and more.
Wednesday January 27
Info Session: Graduate Fellowships

The Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity is accepting applications for its 2016-2017 Dissertation and Teaching Graduate Fellowships, which provide support to Stanford doctoral students working on issues of race, ethnicity, and inequality. CCSRE is holding an info session for those who wish to learn more.

January 27, CCSRE Conference Room, Building 360, 3pm

Thursday January 28
Gear Up for Research Day

Interact with journal editors and learn how to find exciting new grant opportunities at the second annual Gear Up for Research Day. Research tool providers and campus service groups will also be in attendance. The schedule includes lightning talks, briefings, and publishing workshops.

January 28, Huang Center, 1-5 pm
Racial Mobility

Sociology Professor Aliya Saperstein will discuss her book manuscript Racial Mobility: How Selective Fluidity Reinforces Social Inequality. Her key argument: Race should be treated as multi-dimensional and malleable. The event is open to all Stanford faculty, graduate students, and CCSRE affiliates.

January 28, CCSRE Conference Room, Building 360, 4 pm
Deeply Divided

How have we gone from the striking bipartisanship and relative economic equality of the post–World War II period to the extreme inequality and savage partisan divisions of today? Stanford sociologist Douglas McAdam will provide answers in this public talk.

January 28, CEMEX Auditorium, Knight Management Center, 7:30 pm

Monday February 1
State of the Union on Poverty and Inequality

The CPI is hosting its 3rd annual State of the Union conference. In the 2016 report, we assess how the U.S. stacks up against peer countries on such key indicators as poverty, labor market performance, health inequality, income inequality, wealth inequality, spatial segregation, educational inequality, social mobility, and safety net performance.

February 1, Koret-Taube Conference Center, 10 am
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by Grant Number 1H79AE000101 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and receives funding from the Elfenworks Foundation.

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