World Wetlands Day
time to say thank you
When some people think of February 2, they may think of Groundhog Day. This year, students and teachers at East Williams Memorial Public School in Ailsa Craig are thinking about wetlands. Each year, on February 2, World Wetlands Day is celebrated.
Our conservation educators are to visit East Williams Memorial Public School for World Wetlands Day. Students are to actively learn about wetlands by rotating through four dynamic stations that each offer students a unique aspect of wetlands. Station themes include plants, animals, threats, and the vital role of wetlands to water, soil, living things, and the economy. We are able to provide this program thanks to support from Environment Canada’s National Wetland Conservation Fund.World Wetlands Day is also a chance to thank all the area people who have completed wetland projects through the Healthy Headwaters Wetlands Initiative.
For more information visit the wetlands page or read the World Wetlands Day news item.
Thousands of local students learn to avoid high water, thin ice through Ausable Bayfield Conservation’s Spring Water Awareness Program
As snow and ice melt, local streams and rivers rise to high levels and flow at high speeds. Certain areas across the Ausable and Bayfield watersheds tend to flood to some degree each spring. Conservation educators say this is why they deliver the Spring Water Awareness Program (SWAP) to schools in Ausable Bayfield watersheds. “Young people should stay away from rivers and streams any time of year, especially in winter and spring when the water is cold and the rivers are high,” said Denise Iszczuk, Conservation Educator. “Last year, we were able to teach 1,872 local students to stay away from high and fast-flowing water and to avoid ice.”
For more information visit the SWAP page or read the news item.
Spring tree order program is busiest one of year
The spring tree order form is now online. We receive mail-in orders until January 31, 2016. Orders are taken accompanied by payment until Monday, February 29, 2016. Landowners plant tens of thousands of trees through the spring and autumn tree order programs but the spring program is the largest of the two.
For more information visit the tree order page or read the news item.
Dinner Committee Chair returns
The Conservation Dinner Committee has elected Paul Anstett, of the Exeter Lions Club, to return as chairperson of the community committee behind the gala charitable auction. “I’m very pleased to be chairperson of such a wonderful community committee,” he said. “It is an honour that the Conservation Dinner Committee has asked me to return as Chair for the second year in a row. I am also excited that we are set to break the $1 million mark for net proceeds raised by and for the community over the 27-year history of this charitable event.”
For more information visit the Conservation Dinner page or read the news item.
Summer Nature Day Camps to return in 2016
Summer nature day camps are to return in 2016. Conservation educators will lead two weeks of day camps in July. One week of camp is for children ages 6 to 9 and the other week – with a one-evening overnight stay in tents – is for youths ages 10 to 12. “Young people who take part in these camps become more aware of their surroundings including water, soil, and living things and how they can take action to make positive changes towards a healthier watershed,” said Denise Iszczuk, Conservation Educator. The first Summer Nature Day Camp takes place July 11-15, 2016. This nature camp is for children ages 6 to 9.
The second day camp takes place July 25-29, 2016. This is the return of the Wonder, Investigate, Learn, and Discover (WILD) camp that began last year and includes an overnight experience.
For more information visit the nature day camps page or read the news item.
Last call for nominations for Conservationist Award
The deadline has arrived to honour a person, business, farm, or organization doing positive work in the local watershed community with the Conservationist of the Year Award. We invite you to nominate eligible persons, farms, businesses, groups, or organizations for this award. Nominations close January 29, 2016.
For more information visit the Conservation Award page or read the news item.
WinterFest community partners add events to Family Day schedule for Holiday Monday, February 15, 2016
Thanks go to the Friends of the South Huron Trail volunteers for hosting the free family snowshoeing this Family Day Holiday Monday. Warm, dry days late last year made some people wonder if the snow would ever come. Well, the snow came, and organizers of Family Day WinterFest South Huron hope the snow stays for the February 15 Holiday Monday in 2016. Volunteers and community groups plan to have lots of events for Family Day – snow or no snow. The schedule of events is growing and is posted at www.familydaywinterfest.ca.
For more information visit the WinterFest page or read the news item.
Public showing interest in shoreline management issues
Local people are showing their interest in shoreline management issues through their continued participation in the electronic survey and participation on the steering committee. Responses are still being accepted for the current survey until February 1, 2016. Public open houses about the Shoreline Management Plan Update project are to take place in the summer of 2016 so shoreline and seasonal residents in Ausable Bayfield watersheds are able to attend and review technical work that is being prepared over coming months.
Take the survey now. For more information visit the Shoreline Management page or read the news item.