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Welcome to this edition of Your Strata News. 

Apologies to our readers who experienced difficulties access the LookUpStrata site last week. Not long after our newsletter went out last Wednesday, our Hosting Service experienced difficulties and LookUpStrata was off the air for a short period of time.

Thank you to those subscribers who alerted me to the difficulties. This allowed us to get the site back up and running as quickly as possible.

We are experiencing heavy loads due to increased traffic and are looking to a variety of ways to solve the issues. You may notice we have been tweaking things over the past week and pages on the site are loading much faster. More of this to come. As always, we appreciate your patience in this time of rapid growth.

Editors picks not be missed this week:

500th Blog Article

Drum roll....... Congratulations Strata Community Australia with your article detailing the upcoming SCA National ConveNTion 2016. Have a sneak peak at one of the keynote speakers and find out how you can save $200 off your registration!

News: Catch Herron Todd White's latest Property Clock - Units. See where you should invest next.
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Latest Articles

emergency lighting

Top 7 hidden costs of emergency lighting

Sonya Williams, enLighten Australia
It's not just the upfront luminaire cost of emergency lighting that should be considered, but also the ongoing expense of maintenance and testing.
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strata dispute resolution

NSW: Resolving Disputes at Strata Meetings - The Role of The Strata Managing Agent

Matthew Jenkins, Bannermans Lawyers 
Strata managing agents should approach disputes with caution and in most cases take on a role akin to a mediator/facilitator and not a decision maker.
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2 lot scheme nsw

NSW: Problems in a two lot strata scheme - HELP

We have received a few questions from a NSW Lot Owner of a unit in a two lot scheme concerning fire safety (bars on windows), sinking funds and common area maintenance - lack of lighting maintenance in the common property may be contributing to a safety hazard.

We would like to create discussion around this article. If you have something to contribute, please post your thoughts to the comment section of the article OR email me at
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nsw strata reforms

NSW Strata Schemes: Size Does Matter (Sometimes) – Part 2

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
This article discusses the legislative requirements for different sized schemes in relation to the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.
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****Our 500th Blog Post****
sea national convention 2016

The SCA National ConveNTion 2016

Erin Gillin, Strata Community Australia
This conveNTion update includes a sneak peak into one of the keynote speakers, so be sure to check it out! Early-bird registration is on until end of February, so hurry and save $200!
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ACT: Q&A Bylaws to ban smoking in apartments

LookUpStrata & Jan Browne, Ian McNamee & Partners
Question: Are there any laws that support the banning of smoking within apartments in the ACT?
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Strata Reforms

NSW: The Nuts and Bolts of the Latest Strata Reforms

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
By 2020 it is estimated that 50 per cent of NSW residents will live or work in strata. The expected commencement date is 1 July 2016, with draft regulations expected early this year. Key reforms are outlined.
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News of the Week

Joe Galah

Feathered friend wins right to stay

Jack Houghton, Gold Coast Bulletin
A CHEEKY galah has beaten his body corporate in a legal battle and won the right to stay in his Gold Coast high-rise. The 39-year-old pet’s owner, Tanya Felton, took on Seacrest, Surfers Paradise, last year after she was told no pets were allowed in units.
Property Clock

Property Clock Feb 2016: Apartments - Herron Todd White

Jonathan Chancellor, Property Observer
Canberra apartments have joined the other capitals, Brisbane and Melbourne at a market peak, according to the latest HTW property clock.



Tenants Union of NSW calls to ban ‘no pets’ clause in tenancy agreements

Jennifer Duke, Domain 
The Tenants Union of NSW (TUNSW) has asked for a ban on clauses prohibiting pets in lease agreements as part of their submission to Fair Trading NSW’s tenancy review discussion paper.
Taiwan collapse

Taiwan earthquake: Outrage after tin cans used to hold up collapsed high-rise

Natasha Christian, Yahoo News
A high-rise building in Taiwan that collapsed during an earthquake on the weekend has been reinforced with tin cans.

Most read article from our last newsletter


NSW Strata Schemes: Size Does Matter (Sometimes) – Part 1: 1996 Act

Allison Benson,
Kerin Benson Lawyers

The size of NSW strata schemes affects how they are treated under both the current & the new Act. Read a table of these difference to see how they compare.

Read more
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Feb 11:
SCA (QLD): Compliance (Cairns)

Feb 12:
SCA (TAS): 2016 Symposium

SCA (QLD): Compliance (Townsville)

Feb 19:
Kelly+Partners: Strata in Conversation (Barangaroo)

Feb 20:
Mood Boarding 101 (Sydney)

Feb 23:
Governance Institute of Australia: Strata Law Update (Sydney)

Feb 25: 
SCA (WA): Strata Outlook 2016 (Perth)

Feb 26:
Green Gurus: Sustainability in WA Housing: 101

Feb 29:
City Of Sydney: Renovation basics for strata living

Mar 2 - 4:
2016 SCA (QLD) Conference
Visit our Strata Events Page

Have Your Say

CLOSING SOON - Queensland:

Review of property law in Queensland

The Commercial and Property Law Research Centre of the QUT is undertaking a review of Queensland’s property laws for the Queensland Government. The review includes an examination of a number of important matters arising under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 and other community titles legislation, including body corporate governance issues.

You can make a written submission about some or all of the matters raised in QUT’s Issues Paper. Your submission will be considered as part of QUT’s examination of options for improving body corporate governance arrangements for Queensland community titles schemes.

Find out more about making a submission here.

REMINDER: Consultation closes on 22 February 2016.

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.


Singapore: Suspended pool in new apartment complex is not for the faint-hearted Domain

Buyers Swap 'Traditional Aussie Dream' For High Density Apartments HuffPost Australia


NSW: Construction boom changing North Sydney skyline to top $3b in potential investment Mosman Daily

Sydney’s middle-ring is king when it comes to high-rise Domain


Sydney's Central Park is setting new standards for environmentally sustainable urban living Financial Review


QLD: Consumer advocate questions strata grant progress

Why high-rises can't ban your dog Brisbane Times

Remarkable year for booming Brisbane’s new apartments Domain

VIC: Melbourne’s glut of non-compliant buildings growing; more found with flammable cladding Architecture&Design


A new Docklands-founded advocacy group aims to tackle short-term letting issues  Docklands News

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