Yellow Dog Consulting has a new Chief Pup! 
Yellow Dog News
Happy Friday Norm's Friend!

It finally happened, we adopted a puppy! My husband and I had been looking for about a month for our new yellow dog, and hadn't found the right guy to join our family. A week ago we found a 6 month old yellow lab puppy at a rescue organization in Salem. They actually deliver the pup to you so they can see your home and make sure everyone is comfortable. So on Saturday, February 13th Norman joined our family. And he is a PUPPY! We adopted Hank when he was a year and a half so he was still young and very active but Norm has ALL the energy, and it's pretty non stop. Here's 3 Things I'm Learning from Having a Puppy.
  1. Get Training! We knew we'd take a puppy manners class with Norm, but the jumping and biting started about the moment the rescue organization gal walked out the door. So it was QUICK to find an expert to help us out. We've found a trainer (hooray!) and have watched our fair share of online videos about it. How can we be awesome at our jobs and in our industry if we aren't training? Get to a seminar, read a book, listen to a podcast, but get TRAINING. 
  2. Take Breaks - Puppies have little bladders and are very busy. We walk to the dog park every morning, and take a walk at lunch, and more evening activity. About once an hour Norm needs a potty break. It's great because it reminds me to get up, move and take a break. Walk away from your computer. Well, after you finish reading this...
  3. Shoes are not Toys! Norm quietly went upstairs while I was drinking coffee this morning and came out of our room with one of my shoes in his mouth. Not cool Norm. Having lots of toys to chew on and keep him busy and active is great, so he's not destructive. Puppies need to be BUSY, but business owners need to make sure we're "Good Busy" not just busy to be busy. Stop wasting your time on distractions and focus on what will move you forward. 
Elizabeth & Norm

From the Blog

January Pop Culture Roundup - Comic books, binge watching and my guilty pleasure podcast...

5 Marketing Tips You Need This Week - Or any week. Here's my recommendations for getting your marketing systems in place! 

Don't Confuse the Clients - Stop over thinking things and getting SO creative you accidentally alienate your prospects and clients. 

4 Things to do When Your Event Runs Long - Sometimes an event runs long. Sometimes that can be helped by better event management, and sometimes it just happens. Either way, here are 4 suggestions to make your attendees not be annoyed when they leave 45 minutes late. 
Meet Norman!

Meet Norm!

Norm is already an awesome officemate! He's snoring as a write this, and usually has a collection of toys on his office dog bed. We're working to get him chasing and RETURNING a tennis ball. If you live in the Portland area and have a dog, we'd love to get together and have Norm wear them both out!
We can't wait till he has a few more manners so he can become a regular in our neighborhood. And obviously, everyone will know his name...
For an obnoxious amount of photos of Norm, feel free to check out my Instagram.
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