Module 1 Students

  1. I understand that developing my soul purpose is my greatest commitment to myself. I commit to connecting to my higher self, higher path and the developmental process of being in my mindful observer in class. I commit to giving this class my full attention as ultimately it is my gift to myself that I am giving and receiving. I commit to play and kindergarten so I cannot get it wrong and my inner child has all opportunity to be present and accounted for even if the topic is deep for me. I commit to giving myself time to process each lesson and to being open to exploring concepts I may have never heard before. 
  2. I commit to 100 percent payment of the class fee and 100 percent attendance. If I cannot be present I will give ample notice to the teacher ASAP so that the class may be recorded or substituted. I realize the classes are progressive and typically the class that is most difficult for me to attend has the most energetics for me and is also the most important for my own spiritual freedom, development or lesson of growth. If I am a long distant student I agree to pay the class fee up front. If I am a local student I may elect a payment plan by discussing payment plan options with the teacher then committing to full and on time payments regardless of my course completion.
  3. I commit to scheduling one teacher energy & counseling session at the midpoint of class. Being a soul purpose development student I have the privilege and special rate of $40 for a 1/2 hr teacher counseling sessions to use as a supportive tool to utilize for my growth and development when ever I need. Using this tool is to ensure my energy is high, liberated, and my Soul Purpose development and course goals are grounding in flowing ease. Counseling sessions are not psychic readings they are guidance counsel sessions.
  4. I commit to developing balance in my autonomy and to the process of releasing limitations that may inhibit my soul’s purpose or may be in the way of my teacher student communication in ease. I commit to processing the class design presented by the teacher as a willing participant. I commit to allowing myself my space for growth, the other students their space and the teacher her/his space to grow, learn and teach just as I have the same human right and privilege. I commit to kindness in this consideration in the higher meaning of granting the permissions to agree and disagree in spiritual harmony gifting freedom. 
  5. I commit to being to class on time if not early and to the act of participating in my own journey by starting a soul purpose journal. A notebook dedicated to my SPD. I commit to bringing it to class and utilizing its reference as often as I need consecutively with the class. I commit to participation and sharing with the class in participation as topics present themselves joyfully and willingly. 
  6. I understand that if I had already participated in the current Soul Purpose Development module being presented I may be able to take it again upon election for a $5 per class fee as long as there is seating available, I am not disturbing the current curriculum/students but commit to come in mindful, humble, and ready to learn more deeply than the lesson offered once before. I can only participate in this privilege with the teacher’s permission and must agree to honor the course and present my full module attendance as if I were a beginner’s mind student for the first time. 
  7. I commit to the classroom being a drug free zone, I commit to the full awareness and attention I may need for nutritional support and to address the needs of my body and specifically my own endocrine system. As I change and upgrade the frequency of my body/being I am encouraged to bring in the nutritional support of what my biology needs for such increases to take hold materially in support of the lessons given to support my soul path. 
  8. I understand the class call in information will be forwarded to me by the class start date and all payment arrangements are made in advance.
Long Distance Student Payment Methods:   You must manually make your payment for class. Each payment must be made out directly to Cynthia Warwick and must state the course and module # (1-6)you are currently enrolling in. Your payment options are:

SPD Module 1 course fee is $280 and includes one complimentary teacher guidance counsel session. 
  • We request that you pay in full however upon request are willing to negotiate a payment plan.
  • 1) You may send in a paypal payment to 
  • 2)You may use this link or go to to make a credit card payment. 
  • 3) You may send a check in full to this address: Cynthia Warwick, c/o Rainbow Institute, 19 Church Street #8 Burlington VT 05401. 

* indicates required
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How do you wish to pay for the course
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