Issue 24       February 2016
Information Sharing & Security
Welcome to your February 2016 EISS newsletter

Dear <<First Name>>

I know you'll be busy so I'll be brief.

If this is your first newsletter, welcome to the iNetwork Information Sharing and Security community ~ please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, comments or feedback at or

If you'd like to share your thoughts through an
iNetwork blog or giving a talk at a coming forum we'd be more than happy. Drop me a line and let's see if we can work something out.

We also like to hear from you if you have any case studies, stories that you would like to share OR ‘Requests for Help’ that you would like to ask the rest of the community. Together, we can collaborate and innovate our way to create a successful platform for the spread of good ideas across our community.
If you have any colleagues that would like to receive a copy of this newsletter – please feel free to forward them this newsletter and send me their contact details (with their permission) and I shall be happy to add them to the mailing list so that they receive the next newsletter direct into their inbox.
Best wishes
Phil (@phil_swan, and 0161 3423445)


Greater Manchester "Connects"
In case you missed it, Greater Manchester Combined Authority have agreed the first phase of "GM Connect" - a new digital capability to enable joint working across the whole conurbation. The wider context is the devolution programme with health & social care reform aiming to close a £2bn funding gap by 2020.  One of the main challenges is going to be engaging with a very wide set of stakeholders with a broad set of priorities, however the signs are good and there's a lot of great practice to build on. See here.

Building cyber security and resilience in a digital world - #infosec2016
#infosec2016 is on 22 April in Manchester. See here to register.
The ransomware cyber attack in Lincolnshire is merely the tip of the tip of the iceberg. Councils and NHS trusts are reporting massive increases in attacks which soak up internal resources and increase corporate risks. Fortunately there is a lot of support on offer. We'd strongly recommend the new training for HR professionals (see here) and the IP monitoring service provided by CERT-UK available via CERT-UK. Find out more at #infosec2016.

Why have you still got paper data sharing agreements?
Fortunately colleagues in Lancashire & Cumbria IG Group have come to the rescue and the online data sharing agreement system developed by University Hospital Morecombe Bay is gathering more supporters.

Interested? We are running a session on 4 March on data sharing issues and a demo of the UHMB system and how it has been used in Wigan in the successful Share to Care initiative. Mike Zammit (CIO) is kindly hosting this at Wirral Council. Find out more here.
Also see their iNetwork Innovation Award entry here.

Information sharing with the DWP
The DWP has a regular Local Government Data Sharing Design Authority meeting and this is great place to feature risks, issues and opportunities. Recently we've been (again) raising the issue of housing and voluntary sector organisations accessing Universal Credit related data and facilitating talks between the GDS  and DWP colleagues over secure email options given the changes to GCSx and the GDS Secure Email Blueprint model. If you've issues you want the DWP to look please email  

ID assurance being tested in local government and health services
GDS is looking at how the ID assurance Verify can be used in councils and health providers. Trials are starting soon. There's more on Verify here. If your organisation is looking at procuring ID verification systems it should be bearing this in mind.


New secure email guidelines from Government
In the last newsletter we highlighted new secure email blueprint and procurement guidelines from GDS. We're told a whitelist of suppliers is in the offing.
Help is at hand: Cyber resilience resources
A useful (we hope) list of some of the main cyber resilience resources sharing during the local government + partners cyber engagement programme is here

And of course the iNetwork WARP service and Information Assurance and Reporting Group which meets quarterly - the next being Friday 11 March. This will be a "mini-WARP" though as we have #infosec2016 on 22 April. Please note that the WARP is a closed group but colleagues are welcome to join if their organisation isn't already involved. Contact

"What Works"
We're putting your leading thinking examples online in a new "What Works" area. To start with this will include the 80 or so iNetwork Award entries and their videos. Check out the first few here.

If you'd like to share vacancies or being awarded a new position please do get in touch at
ICO perspective on the Safe Habour replacement: Privacy Shield here.

NHS Information Governance Alliance webinars here.

Latest on the EU Data Protection Regulations here. Come to #infosec2016 to hear about this from the Information Commissioners Office. Also useful article on what GDPR means for suppliers here. still getting grief. See here

ICO guidance for small businesses (v useful if you're organisation is spinning out services into SMEs) here.

That's all for this month! Hope to see you soon!
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