KANs, news, events and why 2016 will be a year to look forward to at Future Earth.

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As 2016 ramps up, we take a look at recent news and events from Future Earth and what's in store for the year ahead.

Join Future Earth's Knowledge-Action Networks

Eight networks will explore societal challenges to sustainability

This month, Future Earth launches eight Knowledge-Action Networks, a key piece of our research strategy. These networks cover topics ranging from natural assets to transformations and finance and economics. We're encouraging researchers and societal partners to join us in these efforts, informing sustainability science that is relevant to communities around the globe.
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News and opinion

Data collection (Photo: WorldBankPhotoCollection)
Fall of the Roman Empire - ancient ice age likely contributed to a plague epidemic and mass migration in Roman times.
Mountains as sentinels of change (Photo: Keltikee via Flickr)
Summer warming - PAGES study shows that European summers are the warmest they've been in more than 2,000 years.
Mountains as sentinels of change (Photo: Keltikee via Flickr)
Green diversity - researchers dig into the TRY database, discovering new insights into plant traits and competition.
Future Earth the subject of Science editorial
In an editorial published in the journal Science, Johan Rockström of Stockholm University delves into the legacy and promise of Future Earth. Rockström writes that "Future Earth has the potential to become the largest, most ambitious international research program ever undertaken." Read more...
Scenario building at IPBES
As scientists gather in Kuala Lumpur for the fourth plenary session of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), one of the biggest topics of discussion has been scenarios. Scientists say that these stories about possible futures could help the organisation to include indigenous and local groups in the scientific process. Read more...
Discussing the impact of IGBP
A series of new synthesis papers, published in the journal Anthropocene, takes a new look at the evolution of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and its research projects. The platform pioneered an approach to research that conceptualized "the Earth as an interactive system," scientists write. Read more...
Reflections on COP21
Owen Gaffney looks back at Future Earth's role in the historic summit and the challenge of meeting the gaps between ambition and reality. He writes: "In the coming months the research community will be providing deep analysis of the agreement and in the coming years assessing solutions-focused feasible pathways towards the goal" of stopping warming at 1.5°C. Read more...

Future Earth appointments

Global Hub Director, Sweden

Dr. Wendy Broadgate joins Future Earth in Scandanavia. She was Deputy Director, Natural Sciences, at IGBP from 2000-2015.
Read the announcement...

Engagment Committee Chairs

Farooq Ullah, Tim Payn and Ruth Wolstenholme step into new roles on Future Earth's Engagment Committee.
Read the announcement...


Joint Symposium on Biodiversity Assessment and Support for IPBES

March 6 - 10, Monte Verita, Switzerland
Take part in a discussion about the scientific needs for IPBES.

Third Future Earth Workshop on Water-Energy-Food Nexus

April 4 - 6, Kyoto, Japan
Identify gaps in understanding and explore decision-making in this important arena.

Global Change Impact on Diseases and Alien Species Expansion Workshop

May 2 - 6, Cape Town, South Africa
Attend this capacity-building workshop for early-career scientists.

GEO BON Open Science Conference: Applications open

July 4 - 9, Leipzig, Germany
Join this meeting to assess techniques for monitoring global biodiversity.
Coral Reef (Photo: US Geological Survey)

BNP Paribas Climate Initiative: Call for Projects

Climate initiative will select four to seven research projects to increase understanding of climate change. The first stage of the application process is open from March 1 to May 2.
See our website for all events.

The Science and Technology Alliance for Sustainability

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