Governing Council Update
The members of the Governing Council had a productive meeting this past Saturday, February 20.
Some of the topics under discussion:
Membership Services: Defining these is an important step to recruiting members. At our meeting we agreed on the following guidelines:
- Subject to volunteer availability, Viva Village will offer services to Members Plus between 6 a.m and 10 p.m.
- Per month, Members Plus will be eligible for up to 12 service appointments (up to 2 hours each).
Details of the types of services are still being worked out. Thank you to the Membership Action Team for their helpful and insightful list of recommendations for services.
- Transportation, a favorite Village service, will be offered to Members Plus anywhere within Viva Village boundaries. Anything outside our boundaries will be limited to a 10 mile radius. These limits do not apply for medical appointments and PDX airport.
These guidelines may be modified depending on volunteer availability, and on what we experience works best for Beaverton area Villagers.
Grants: Currently, members of the Resource Development team are preparing two proposals for grants from local sources.
Proposed Fee Schedule: Many of you have been asking about the fees. With input from other Villages (in Villages NW and beyond), and much thought and deliberation among ourselves, we have established the following fees for membership in Viva Village. These figures are subject to change as we collect additional data prior to launch. Payment options are yet to be determined.
We are also working to establish a membership assistance program.
Our next meeting will be Monday, March 7.
You can contact members of the Governing Council at
Viva Village Volunteers
Resource Development — You Can Help!
Do you know a Beaverton business owner or manager personally?
Do you frequent a local business so much that they know who you are?
We need your help identifying and providing an introduction to owners or managers of Beaverton area businesses. We will take it from there!
Over the next month, a small number of individuals will meet face to face with each referred business to provide information and awareness of Viva Village. By telling our Viva Village story, we hope to gain support from and partner with local businesses. That support can be in many forms; the most critical at this point is bringing awareness of Viva Village to their customers. The important thing now is to just get the word out and start building relationships!
So… think about the stores, coffee shops, dry cleaners, restaurants, banks, etc. that you frequent, ones with which you have built customer/business relationships.
Send the contact information to Rae Coleman at We will then use your personal referrals to contact the businesses and start to build our relationships with them.
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A big thank you to Darleene Meyer for preparing and mailing the paper copies of the 4th edition of The Viva Village Voice to those who don't have email. This is a valuable way to keep everyone informed.
This Past Week:
The Sun Was Out!
Nature Walk at
Dawson Creek
Viva Village walkers this past Saturday were rewarded with a fun time, sunshine, and great views of the lake, ducks, and surroundings at Dawson Creek.
Viva Village Events – This Coming Week
Volunteer Orientation
If you’ve been to a Village 101 (required), liked what you heard, and want to help us build a Village here in Beaverton, take the next step — come to our Volunteer Orientation. Meet some of the Action Team leaders, hear what’s going on, and connect with a project that interests you.
Tuesday, February 23, 4:30-6:00
Beaverton Community Center, Vose Room
12350 SW 5th Street, #100 (across from library)
RSVP:, or 503-644-7320
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Emergency Planning for Seniors
We keep hearing about the "big one." Find out what you can do to be prepared for an earthquake or other disaster.
More details in the flyer below.
RSVP: or 503-208-2290
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Upcoming March Events — more details to follow
March 5 — Nature Walk: Lowami Hart Woods
March 10 — In-home Village 101 presentation
March 17 — Thursday Social Time
March 19 — Evergreens Plus: A Gardening Event
March 21 — Volunteer Orientation
March 29 — Book Club, Just Mercy, by Bryan Stephenson