stanford center on poverty and inequality
Center News
Measuring Poverty in the 21st Century

The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality is hosting a conference on the future of poverty measurement on March 11-12 at Stanford University. Google Chief Economist Hal Varian will deliver the keynote, "Innovative Flash Measures of Poverty Trends."

Introducing Our New Website

The CPI is pleased to unveil Our new website makes it easy to explore the latest research on poverty and inequality, read past issues of Pathways, learn about upcoming conferences and more. We hope you enjoy our new look. 

Talks and Events

The Civity Approach to Equity and Civic Health

Creighton University professor Palma Strand will explore the concept of “civity,” which offers practical strategies for disrupting the forces making for status differences and exclusion. Please RSVP to

Tuesday February 23, 1st floor conference room, IRiSS, 12pm

Latinos and the U.S. Farmworker Rights Movement

SUNY professor Lori Flores illuminates how national food production is affected by migrant border crossing and surveillance, the lax safety practices of farmworker employers, and union struggles to win agricultural labor contracts.

Wednesday February 24, The Brandon Room, Black Community Services Center, 12pm 

The Class Pay Gap

London School of Economics professor Sam Friedman will present "The Class Pay Gap in Higher Professional and Managerial Occupations." His research focuses on issues of social class and inequality, and particularly the cultural dimensions of contemporary class division.
Wednesday February 24, Building 200, Room 202, 12:30pm

States As Immigration Battlegrounds

Over the past decade, immigration legislation has shifted from encouraging "self-deportation" to promoting immigrant integration. S. Karthick Ramakrishnan and Pratheepan Gulasekaram discuss this evolving era of immigration federalism. 
Thursday February 25, Room 280B, F.I.R Hall, Stanford Law School, 12pm

Self-Expression and the Reproduction of Occupational Inequalities

Self-expression is a ubiquitous cultural practice in the United States. But is it positive and benign? Rice University professor Erin Cech explores the role that self-expression might play in labor market processes of inequality.
Thursday February 25, Mendenhall Library A, 12:30pm

Gender and Employment History

University of Texas–Austin professor David Pedulla addresses the labor market consequences of having a nonstandard or mismatched employment history. Is it worse for women to have a nonstandard history? Find out here! 
Tuesday March 1, Mendenhall, 12:30pm
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by Grant Number 1H79AE000101 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and receives funding from the Elfenworks Foundation.

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