It's not too late! Deadline for submitting all answers and challenges is Motza'ei Shabbos at midnight!
Simcha (Happiness) Part I
All of your answers and challenges for this week must be submitted by midnight on Motza'ei Shabbos.
Missed the Thought of the Week? Click here to read it!

Torah Questions of the Week

  1. When did Avraham Avinu demonstrate that he was happy and satisfied with his possessions, and did not feel the need to take more than what he already had? (See Bereishis 14:23)
  2. There were two brothers in the Torah. One said: “I have everything” and the other said: “I have a lot.” Who are the two brothers? (See Bereishis 33)
  3. In Parshas VeZos HaBrachah, Moshe says that one of the 12 tribes was “satisfied” with his lot. Rashi explains that this tribe’s territory contained everything [physical] that its inhabitants could ever desire. Which tribe was it? (See Devarim 33)
  4. Which woman in Sefer Shmuel davened very hard for something, and then when Hashem granted her request, she said a special tefillah in which she expressed her deep happiness and appreciation? (See Shmuel I 2:1)
  5. Toward the end of Sefer Yonah, it says that Yonah got something which made him very happy. What did Yonah get that made him so happy?
The answers will be provided on Sunday iyH
Submit your answers here (1 point per correct answer)
So far, we have received 79 correct answers and 1 incorrect answer.
(Yikes! Now every one of you has to wonder if the incorrect 1 was yours...)

BONUS QUESTIONS (2 points each)

1) How many times is Moshe's name mentioned in this week's parsha (Tetzaveh)?
2) Why?

>> Submit your answers here! 

Questions to Ponder

  1. As we explained, simcha (happiness) results from recognizing what you have acquired. Some acquisitions make you very happy, while others make you only slightly happy. What kind of acquisitions make you very happy? What are the determining factors that impact how much happiness you will feel?
  2. Can you think of examples of people you know, or people you have heard about, who are unhappy even though they are wealthy or have a lot of blessings in their life?
  3. Pirkei Avos (3:14) tells us that Hashem demonstrated His love for humanity by creating man in the image of G-d (Tzelem Elokim), and He demonstrated an even greater love for man by telling us that we were created in the image of G-d. Similarly, Hashem calls the Jewish people “His Children” and demonstrated even greater love by telling us that we are His Children. Why does it matter that Hashem told us these things, and what does this have to do with the definition of simcha (happiness)?
  4. Rav Dessler explains that the world was truly created as a happy place, but there are 3 middos that make a person leave this natural state of happiness. The 3 traits are jealousy, lust, and a desire for honor. Why do you think these 3 specific traits make a person lose his natural state of happiness?
Click here to download all Questions to Ponder (printable PDF)
(Answers will not be provided.)

Discuss these questions with your family at the Shabbos table!

This Week's Activity Challenge

(2 points per day)
Every day, notice one thing that you're happy to have.
Say out loud to another person: "I am so happy to have ____!"
(Alternatively, you can "say" it through email or text.)

For example:
I am so happy to have a comfortable chair!
I am so happy to have this crunchy apple!
I am so happy to have a warm house!

This challenge has been completed 105 times so far this week!
Click here to report when you have done this challenge!
If you do each week's Activity Challenge for at least 3 days, you will be entered into a RAFFLE at the end of the month to win a prize! (There are new activities each week.)

Rhyme Challenge of the Week

> See this week's Rhyme Challenge (1 point for every 2 lines of rhyme)
> See the rhymes everyone else has submitted so far

Drawing Challenge of the Week

> See this week's Drawing Challenge (3 points per drawing)
> See the drawings everyone else submitted so far
Want to see how many points you have? Look up your ID on this spreadsheet. 

Remember the Long-Term Challenge from Last Month!

If you write 3 "thank-you"s in your Gratitude Journal for at least 15 days between now and Sunday, March 6th, you will earn an extra 10 bonus points!

You Can Earn an Everlasting Z'chus!

Sponsorships are available! If you would like to sponsor this program in honor of someone, as a z'chus for someone to have a refuah sheleimah, to find a shidduch, or l'ilui nishmas someone, please email

Earn BONUS POINTS by referring your friends and relatives!
For every friend you refer who signs up, you will earn 1 bonus point!
Tell your friends to sign up here!
Questions? Comments? Email
Point System and Rules of the Contest
See all past emails.

This month's prizes are sponsored by:
(1) Natalie Berenstein, l'ilui nishmas her mother, Chaya Chana Yehudis bas Yitzchak Yisroel.
(2) Anonymous, l'ilui nishmas Rav Yehuda ben Avraham Simcha ztz"l (Rav Yehuda Copperman, founder of Michlalah.)
This entire program is dedicated l'ilui nishmas Chai Henna Rivka bas Menachem Mendel a"h, a woman who - despite tremendous pain and physical disabilities - was always smiling, striving to grow, yearning to learn more Torah, and finding ways to make others happy.
Thank you for reading all the way to the bottom of this email! :)

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