Will's Weekly Digest | February 17, 2016
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Trivia Goes International

The trivia leader board continues to grow, and now has an international flair thanks to a Peace Corps volunteer! Have you played yet? Questions are always related to the digest's "theme" or one of the linked articles, and last week's answer was even in the digest. Give it a try. The first champion of Will's Weekly Trivia has yet to be crowned, and it could be you!

As always, happy Wednesday and happy reading.

This Day in History

1972 - The VW Beetle passes the Ford Model-T as the world's best-selling car, breaking a decades old record. So for a time, what was the world's most popular car had Nazi origins. Meh. Another auto has since broken the Beetle's record. I thought about saving this for the trivia question, but it seemed too tough, so just so you're aware, the world's best-selling auto is the Toyota Corolla. I don't generally spend as much time in the digests exploring culture, but we all need a break from campaign news, so today's digest is a hodgepodge of cultural-y articles ranging from the glamorous to the mundane. Besides, it's fun to think about the societal trends that took us from the Model-T Ford to the VW Beetle to the Toyota Corolla all in a century. 

Keep on Truckin'

Is there anything more American than trucking? Perhaps so, actually, but our nation's size and awesome-if-aging interstate system making trucking a very American phenomenon. But what is trucking like behind the stereotypes? What better way to find out than to spend a year in the job (from Esquire). 

The thought of being a truck driver for a year crossed my mind many years ago, but after reading the profile, I'm glad this guy performed the experiment for me. It's fascinating, but doesn't seem like the most pleasant cultural phenomenon. 

More than a Musician

Music as political expression is not unique to America, but rap is certainly an African-American cultural creation, and some would say inherently political. Not all artists engage in political expression or intend for their work to be political, but Killer Mike is different (from Oxford American). With deep roots in his Atlanta community, Mike blends his music career with his advocacy and organizing work, and he defies the stereotype associated with many celebrities by being intelligent and thoughtful. 

What is Art, Anyhow? 

The I was very nearly an art history minor, and if I learned anything about art, it's that it largely defies definition. I was exposed to many new forms of art, not all of which I would necessarily consider art myself.
One relatively new form of art, which I will avoid trying to describe, is embodied by the modern artist Banksy, who not too long ago debuted his satirical Dismaland (from NYTimes). Maybe Banksy's style isn't your taste, but that's the beauty of art, right? Each of us gets to decide what beauty is.

Valentine's Day Special

I know it's a bit belated, but in honor of Valentine's Day, here's an interesting read on the world's most common, and perhaps most addictive drug: Love (from Nautilus). That's right, and you might as well face it, you're addicted to love. It makes sense to me that love affects the brain. I read a decent bit of history, and people have done some crazy and outrageous things because they were in love, things that make it hard to believe they were thinking clearly or coherently. So tread lightly, however love is making your heart feel, it's triggering some strong urges in your brain too. 


From the frozen partisan gridlock of Washington, DC come Dexter! Perhaps if Dexter spent some time in the capitol, more would get done. I was fortunate enough to meet Dexter last weekend when I was visiting his human Christina, and I can personally attest to his hyper-friendly demeanor. Congress really needs some Dexter in its life. Wise as he looks, with his facial fur all disheveled, Dexter actually prefers the simpler things in life: food; snuggles; and sleep. On repeat. Big thanks to Christina for sharing Dexter!

Will's Weekly Trivia! 

Please be sure to share Willful Intent's new opt-in form with friends, and submit any thoughts and dog pics via the feedback form

IF you choose to answer the question, respond to with your answer. Please note that by competing you are giving me permission to publish your first name in the trivia leader board each week.


Last Week: What year did New Hampshire first begin holding its presidential primary earlier than other states? 

Answer: New Hampshire became the first official primary in 1920. The answer was in last week's opening section!

This Week: Which American president built the interstate system?

The international Leader Board now lives HERE on Willful Intent. Start playing to see your name in the rankings!
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