Reaching over 1400 people in the community and university, this newsletter promotes patient and community involvement in health professional education at UBC.
Health Mentors bring patient's voice to VCH
Melanie Reid, a UBC Health Mentor, was invited to share her story at an orientation session for new staff at Richmond General Hospital in February. The orientation was for 26 new hires including nurses, allied health professionals and administrators. It was the second session of its kind. Fellow Health Mentor, Kent Loftsgard, led a session at Vancouver General Hospital in January.
“It was really helpful and insightful to have a former patient speak from a patient's point of view.” said a trainee.
The opportunity came from Health Authority executives who were inspired to involve UBC Health Mentors in new employee orientations after attending the Health Mentors symposium. "It's just the right thing to do." said Kate McBride, Clinical Education Lead at Vancouver Coastal Health.
The Health Authority is making training for new hires more experiential and patient-centred by tapping into the expertise of Health Mentors like Melanie. “Having Melanie share her perspective underlined the message we were delivering at orientation. Melanie brought the message to life from a patient perspective; it made a huge difference.” says Cindy Elliott who is the interim Director of Professional Practice, Richmond.
"I spoke of my experience, as a middle aged woman, suddenly thrown into hospital with an acute and bewildering illness." says Melanie. Read more...
Aphasia Mentoring Program is good for students and mentors
A study of the Aphasia Mentoring Program was published in the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. The program puts experts with aphasia in a mentorship role with students studying speech-language pathology. Interviews with mentors and students show that the program benefits both students and mentors. Read more...
The Aphasia Mentoring group also puts on workshops as part of the Patient & Community Voices workshop series. For upcoming workshops click here.
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Upcoming Patient & Community Voices workshops
Patient & Community Voices workshops are patient- and community-led, interprofessional learning opportunities for UBC health and human service students. Space is limited. Registration is required.
Talk is Cheap: Living and Communicating with Aphasia Date: March 10, 2016 Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Positive Reflections & Voices Unheard: Learning from Persons Living with HIV Date: March 15, 2016 Time: 5:30-8:00pm
How to Work With Interpreters in a Multicultural Clinic Setting
Date: March 22, 2016 Time: 5:30-7:30pm
Workshops are eligible for 30 Exposure points in the IPE passport.
'Vancouver' delegates of the 'Where's the Patient's Voice' conference met again in February. It was the second meeting of the group who are starting a local network to support patient and community involvement in health professional education.
The group will meet next month to discuss plans to create a patient and public involvement group that will be a resource for UBC health programs.
If you are interested in joining the network please contact
2016 Rick Hansen Access Innovation Competition
UBC Young Women in Science & Engineering present What: The 2016 Rick Hansen Access Innovation Competition When: March 29, 2016 - 5-8pm Where: Performance Theatre
The Nest, 2nd Floor - 6133 University Blvd.
Register to take part in an interactive evening of innovation, design, and talks from leading experts. Competing groups will be given an access challenge and present their solutions
to a panel of experts.
The winning team will be awarded with the 2016 Rick Hansen Access Innovation Award and an opportunity to further develop their solution.
Save the Date: New Perspectives on Learning in the Downtown Eastside
What: Community-University Conference When: May 3-5, 2016 Where: UBC Learning Exchange, Vancouver Japanese Language School, and Ironworks Studio
As part of UBC's Centennial celebrations, the UBC Learning Exchange is organizing a unique conference that will bring together community members, faculty and students to experience, share, and reflect on diverse perspectives and practices of learning in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
The conference will highlight innovative learning exchanges and generate ideas and directions for the future. For more information click here.