
February E-Newsletter


A Step Beyond (ASB) is in its second year of providing dance-based youth development programs for low-income students in North County San Diego.  We currently have 70 students who will continue with us over the next ten years as we expand every year to include new students. Our goal is to create opportunities for every child to experience success, graduate from high school, go to college and create rewarding futures.  

To learn more, visit our website.

DANCE EDUCATION: We are so proud to announce a brand new sprung dance floor.  All children deserve the best opportunities and resources that their community can provide and our students have it! Since January, A Step Beyond students have been leaping, spinning, and falling on a beautiful maple hardwood floor paid for by County Supervisor Horn, County Supervisor Roberts and the California Center for the Arts Escondido. We couldn't be more thrilled.
FAMILY SERVICES: Here are just a few of the upcoming opportunities:
  • On April 16th Terrie Yoshikane DDS of Encinitas will be providing free dental care for 35 of our A Step Beyond students.  Yoshikane's firm has generously offered examinations, x-rays and follow-up treatment to insure healthy teeth and gums for our students.  
  • Thanks to a generous donation, ASB students received a new set of dance clothes.
  • ASB now offers Expressive Arts Therapy.  Students have had the chance to work with paint, clay, collage and other materials to creatively explore personal identity. 
ACADEMICS:  Of our 70 students, 17 are 5th graders, 36 are 4th graders and 17 are 3rd graders representing seven different schools from Escondido and San Marcos. Comments from teachers of our second year students, ”He is so much more confident now and willing to share his ideas in class,” and “She is not afraid to ask questions when she doesn’t understand something.” Recently, an Escondido principal shared that on some national tests that are taken three times a year, she observed that those students who are in A Step Beyond scored consistently higher than their classmates and that they tend to be at the top of their class.

What's New

Internships, Partnerships and More...

Expressive Arts Therapy  ASB has partnered with The Expressive Arts Institute in San Diego to provide additional support to our students and their families.  Rebecca Hickman has been working with our students one-on-one, in small groups and assisting in the classroom to provide healing arts activities. 

Chinese Dance Master Class On February 2nd, A Step Beyond students were treated to a master dance class with Chinese Dance Artist, Lily Cai. This is an on-going partnership with The California Center for the Arts Escondido.

A Step Beyond Showcase  On May 12th and 13th at 7 PM, ASB students will be performing at The Center Theater at The Center for the Arts Escondido.  

Cal State San Marcos Interns: Eleven undergraduate students are interning with A Step Beyond as a part of their teaching dance in the community undergraduate curriculum. This class is designed to provide hands-on experience while connecting college students with the field of dance and social justice.

African Dance Master Class On February 23rd ASB students participated in a West African Dance workshop with local professional artists, Teye Sa Thiosanne.

ASB Parent Council  Over 31 parents showed up for the first monthly meeting for the ASB Parent Council. Parents are working on everything from family picnics, a crisis support group and financial planning workshops.
Special thanks to our most recent 2016 donors; with your help we are providing these programs free of charge to our students: The Parker Foundation, Switchfoot BroAm, Flagship Properties, George and Judy Marcos Foundation, Steve and Suzanne Cameron, and our very generous board of directors.
There are many creative ways that you can support A Step Beyond students on their way to making a better future for themselves and their families.  Consider a tax-deductible donation, volunteering as a tutor, purchasing supplies or volunteering specialized services.

Contact: Frank Foster
Give to ASB
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