When the Mobility Authority opened the 6.2-mile 290 Toll Road in 2014, the number of commuters that recognized the convenience of the new roadway surpassed our projections. And, while it’s great that Central Texas commuters are embracing the option to bypass congestion, the high demand has led to traffic congestion at the intersection of 290 Toll and SH 130, particularly during peak hours.
Mobility and safety are compromised during the morning rush hour for southbound SH 130 drivers trying to head westbound on 290 Toll. Drivers are experiencing long wait times at the traffic lights in that intersection. Traffic backs up onto the SH 130 mainlanes during morning peak hours. In addition, those traveling southbound SH 130 who are trying to get to the 290 Toll onramp to head into Austin must compete with through-traffic on the US 290 general purpose lanes.
For the Mobility Authority, safety and mobility are simultaneous, priority goals. Something has to be done to curtail the backups at the SH 130 and 290 Toll intersection, and facilitate safety for drivers getting onto the 290 Toll onramp at peak commute times.