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PTA Awards

Leadership Academy and Group PTA Awards are due March 1!!
A weekend project, perhaps?

Please forward this email to your Awards Chairs for their reference. Consider also forwarding to your boards and/or volunteer base.

PTA Awards from your PTA
Golden Acorn. Golden Apple. Outstanding Advocate. Outstanding Service.

How many of each award you give (and whether to give them at all) is up to your PTA budget and your awards committee. Your budget should reflect:
  • The amount of the award that you purchase from the State. The combination of certificate and pin for these awards is $50; more if you choose a plaque. Official WSPTA awards are: Outstanding Advocate, Golden Acorn (volunteer), Outstanding Student Advocate, Outstanding Educator (apple), Outstanding Service ($70), and Honorary Life Membership ($70).
  • Flowers or additional tributes that you want to provide your winners if you do an announcement at your school
  • Recognition dinner tickets ($30/each). This is the Council dinner, and you can send whomever you want to (and have the budget for). Typically, you would send your winners, their "plus ones", the President(s) and the Principal.
Where to purchase the awards
The PTA store, of course! Log into the leadership portion of the state website, and you'll see the box on the lower left. Choose "awards."

Why to purchase the awards
You will see that one option is to simply buy the pins, for about $7. Make your own certificate, and you've saved your PTA a lot of money.....

Two reasons to spend the money. One: the "extra" money funds the Washington State PTA scholarship fund, which gives out 3 $3,000 and 1 $1,000 per year. Two: by purchasing the award through the State, you have registered your award winners. If you need to come up with a list of previous winners at some point in the future, the State office will have that information. 

More tips:
  • Don't make the awards "retirement" awards. If you have a volunteer who was not recognized in a year that they made a big impact and they are no longer very active, don't feel compelled to give them the award just because they're leaving the school. It will feel weird to current active volunteers. Instead, consider a separate recognition for all the volunteers who have impacted your PTA and are in their last year. Make it splashy so they want to continue in the next school!
  • Provide your awards committee with a list of previous winners, if possible. This will help them choose winners who have not been previously recognized, and may help the selection process, if you have a nominee who has never won (but people assume they have).
  • Be detailed and lavish in your descriptions of your winners at your school, but distill the information to the very important details when you submit the information to Council for the Recognition event. Your school population should know exactly how amazing and fabulous your volunteer/educator/advocate is, but we cannot read a novel at the Council dinner. Look for a great quote from a nominator or a very brief description of what makes them the perfect award winner.

Council Awards

Last year, we gave the following awards:
Jenny Farnam: Outstanding Volunteer/Golden Acorn
Rebecca Miner: Outstanding Advocate
David Wilson: Outstanding Service
Hopelink: Outstanding Business/Organization

This year, we need your help! Please talk your your boards and membership to see who has made an impact with them. Your peeps may have gotten help from Reflections, the Food Drive team, the WORKS team (our awesome Teen Gifts Chair won last year), Legislation, or any of our Board members. 

If you can think of someone who has served our PTA community in Service or amazing Advocacy, nominate for those awards. Or if you love love love a nonprofit or local business who has served us really well nominate them.

Please try to submit at least one nomination from your PTA so that Jenny and Lori have some good stuff to read (and an actual decision to make!!). Email your nominations to Jenny:  or Lori: 

To see the Council list of award winners (going back to 1954!!!), check out this page.

Celebrate Your PTA's Success by Participating in the Local PTA and Council Awards of Excellence!
These are all due March 1!!

The awards have a new name this year! The new and improved awards program is now called the Local PTA and Council Awards of Excellence (instead of Group Awards). Do you follow PTA best practices? We have an award for that! Do you have a great PTA website? We have an award for that! Do you have a great PTA program or event? We have an award for that! 

The purpose of the Washington State PTA (WSPTA) awards and recognition program is to celebrate the work PTAs and councils do to make a difference for their communities. Awards and programs also help build awareness of the WSPTA mission and focus. When local PTAs and councils are recognized for the work they are doing, it builds pride in the community and helps people connect with PTA! 

Apply today and start building the PTA pride in your community! 

Local PTA and Council Awards of Excellence Flier
PDF | Publisher file 

Award Highlights 
• Gold, Silver, and Bronze or Honorable Mention levels for all awards. Local PTAs and councils compete against a set of standards from WSPTA. 
• NEW platinum level for the Standards of Excellence Award replaces the old Honor PTA award. Same great program...easier application without duplication! 
• Must be in good standing with WSPTA to apply. 
• Look for new Advocacy and Family Engagement awards this year! 
• All awards are open to local PTAs, community PTAs (e.g. Special ED PTA, Mandarin Dual Language PTA) and councils. 

Advocacy Award of Excellence *NEW*
The purpose of this new award is to promote advocacy at local PTAs, community PTAs, and councils by recognizing programs, projects, and activities/events that increase awareness of and participation in advocacy issues at the school, local community, council, region, state, and national level. What does advocacy mean to your local PTA or council? 
Advocacy Award of Excellence application

Family & Community Engagement (FACE) Award of Excellence *NEW*
The purpose of this award is to promote family and community engagement at local PTAs, community PTAs, and councils by recognizing programs, projects, and activities/events that increase family and community engagement and involvement. What does family and community engagement look like at your local PTA or council? 
Family & Community Engagement Award of Excellence application

Standards of Excellence *New Platinum Level*
Recognizes and encourages the use of the best practices of PTA management. This award is a great place for all local PTAs and councils to start! 
Local & Community PTA application 
Council application
Training Tracking Spreadsheet

Mentor-A-PTA Award
Recognizes local PTAs, councils, and service delivery teams for mentoring other local PTAs, councils, or service delivery teams by providing assistance to their adopted PTA entity. 
Mentor-A-PTA Award application 

Outstanding Communication Strategy
Recognizes local PTA and council use of all forms of communication. Use of multiple forms of communication is important in reaching all of the membership and/or community served. 
Outstanding Communication Strategy application

Outstanding Newsletter & E-blast Award
Recognizes local PTA and council newsletters and e-blasts, as both are important and effective forms of communication. 
Outstanding Newsletter & E-blast application

Outstanding PTA of the Year
Recognizes and honors those local PTAs and councils that, when compared to all others in their unique environment and within their own special circumstances, are the most representative examples that exemplify the purposes and mission of PTA. 
Outstanding PTA of the Year application 

Outstanding Website
Recognizes local PTA and council websites, as they are an important and effective form of communication. 
Outstanding Website - Local & Community PTA application 
Outstanding Website - Council application 

PTAs Taking Significant Action
Recognizes the accomplishments of local PTAs and councils that present programs, projects, and activities showing originality, involvement, potential, usefulness, and results. 
PTAs Taking Significant Action application 


Volunteer Recognition Award


The WSPTA is a volunteer organization. The differences made in the lives of children are because of volunteers who are committed to being a voice for every child. In gratitude for many hours of service and training, the WSPTA Board of Directors created the Leadership Academy Awards Program. The purpose of this program is to recognize and acknowledge leadership skills attained by PTA leaders throughout all levels of the association. PTA leaders are encouraged to join the Leadership Academy program and submit their activity annually to create a record of their leadership in the association. 

The program awards leadership points for leadership positions held in both PTA and other educational committees, classes presented, conference attendance, and other WSPTA nd National PTA events. The award recognizes four leadership levels from bronze to crystal. All levels are recognized with a certificate and a pin. Crystal awardees are recognized on state at the WSPTA annual convention each spring. 

Details about the prorgram levels and instructions are found on the application form. Membership Application and updates are due March 1st. 

Word version | PDF version

This program is free to join. It is a great way to create a record of your leadership development that can be included on your professional resumé, as you gain the skills to become a leader in your community.
every child. one voice.
Copyright © 2016 Shoreline PTA Council, All rights reserved.

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