Beacon opens up human genomic data sets
Want to make information about the data in your human genomic data set more accessible whilst preserving the privacy of those who are sequenced?
Now you can thanks to the RDS Life Sciences Beacon Server Tutorial, a technically simple, open web service and tutorial powered through Nectar and developed by RCC Research Officer Dr Igor Makunin (pictured).
The Life Sciences (Genomics) RDS project, RCC and QCIF all part funded the Beacon Server.
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RCC works with imaging facilities to solve big data issues
RCC’s work with UQ’s Centre for Advanced Imaging over the past few years to develop and deploy ImageTrove for imaging instrument data management is paying off with another UQ institution adopting the software.
RCC eResearch Analyst Dr Edan Scriven is currently helping UQ’s Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis to deploy ImageTrove, a National Imaging Facility tool for managing data sets from microscopes, MRI and CT machines. ImageTrove improves data ingesting and archiving.
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![ImageTrove tutorial](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/f18bfc07-e4e4-4198-9fbf-9b538f8e2bed.jpg)
RCC’s Edan Scriven (standing) ran an ImageTrove software tutorial at UQ’s Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis for its Instrument Operators on Tuesday, 23 February.
Nine national projects approved to use FlashLite
RCC’s groundbreaking data-intensive high performance computer, FlashLite, has been allocated its first round of National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme projects. Of the nine projects in total, seven are from outside Queensland.
RCC and the QRIScloud Help Desk are busy working with each project’s chief investigator and their respective teams to guide them towards the most constructive use of the hardware as well as preparing accounts and establishing access to FlashLite.
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UQ Hacky Hour becomes weekly
![UQ Hacky Hour](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/54678085-6205-41e5-a270-6d3469b5b08a.jpg)
UQ Hacky Hour is now weekly instead of fortnightly, occurring each Tuesday afternoon during semester on the St Lucia Campus.
All UQ staff and students are welcome to attend, 3–4pm, at St Lucy's cafe next to the tennis courts. Bring your computing questions and/or hardware and software know-how, or simply hang out.
For updates, follow @HackyHourStLuc on Twitter and/or visit the UQ Hacky Hour blog.
RCC Director becomes an Oxford Visiting Professor
RCC Director Prof David Abramson (pictured) has become a Visiting Professor for a period of three years in Oxford University’s e-Research Centre (OeRC).
The University announced the conferment at the end of February and said it was “in recognition of the contribution [David] will make to teaching and research in the e-Research Centre and elsewhere in the division.” Read more
US professor joins RCC for sabbatical
![Prof Liz Jessup](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/6bdf64e9-8191-44ea-905e-8ceb8151292a.jpg)
Liz Jessup (pictured), Professor of Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, U.S., is spending a six-month sabbatical at RCC.
Prof Jessup is working with RCC Director Prof David Abramson and RCC Research Fellow Dr Minh Dinh to “try to learn about resource requirements, particularly energy requirements, of some linear algebra codes.”
She will be based at RCC from December 2015 to June 2016.
Her research is in numerical algorithms and software. She gained her PhD in computer science at Yale University.
UQ undergrad scores research trip to California
A 17-year-old UQ Mechatronic Engineering student was this year's lucky recipient of the RCC/ITEE-sponsored Queensland Undergraduate Research Projects Abroad (QURPA) placement.
Joshua Riddell spent four weeks earlier this year at the University of California, San Diego working on the social robot RUBI project and meeting world-class researchers in their labs.
He joined UQ PhD students Nikodem Rybak and Kristyn Hensby, whose visit was sponsored by UCSD's Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center.
Read Josh's trip report. And read more about all three UQ students' work at UCSD.
![UQ QURPA-funded student Josh Riddell and UQ PhD student Nikodem Rybak with a UCSD robot.](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/dc4e7140-18b2-44a9-99a2-831c2430c176.jpg)
QURPA-funded student Josh Riddell (left) and UQ PhD student Nikodem Rybak (right) with a new friend at UCSD. (Photo by Kristyn Hensby.)
Sharing health data workshop comes to Brisbane
The Australian National Data Service (ANDS), Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics (QFAB) and Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) are co-hosting a free workshop on sharing sensitive health data on 16 March at Brisbane’s Translational Research Institute.
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SC16 calls for panel proposals
The world’s biggest and most international supercomputing conference is calling for panel proposals, due 24 April.
The ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (also known as SC16) will be held 13–18 November this year at Salt Lake City, U.S.
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BIG 2016's worldwide call for presentation proposals
The third BigData Innovators Gathering (BIG 2016) is inviting proposals for talks highlighting novel developments in the foundations, infrastructure, applications and implications of big data.
There is also an open call to enter the BIG 2016 Cup, a big data wrangling competition.
The event will be co-located with the WWW (World Wide Web) conference in Montreal, Canada on 12 April 2016.
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Want Euramoo training?
We got Euramoo training!
![Euramoo training](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/49c4d3f0-e8b9-4bd9-aea9-10ed7471968c.jpg)
RCC Deputy Director David Green (pictured standing) led Euramoo training on Friday, 26 February, which 13 UQ researchers attended.
The attendees were from IMB, QAAFI, the Diamantina Institute and the schools of Economics, Civil Engineering, ITEE, Biological Sciences and GPEM (Geography, Planning and Environmental Management).
As part of our training strategy for new users, RCC offers individual follow up sessions for workshop attendees to consolidate what has been learnt.
Euramoo training is held monthly, subject to demand.
Euramoo is a cloud-based computer cluster, built on the Nectar cloud. It is optimised for multiple serial jobs as opposed to large parallel ones. If you'd like to investigate whether Euramoo is a good fit for your research, please contact support@qriscloud.org.au (registration for Euramoo is via QRIScloud).
Training for "Formula 1 pit crew"
![DDN training](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/db1dd020-11bb-4f2c-8b45-16da9d2c8c2b.jpg)
RCC hosted a three-day specialised technical training workshop at UQ, 1–3 March, for the GRIDScaler storage technology from DDN [DataDirect Networks] Storage.
DDN Storage, and its GRIDScaler suite of storage devices, provides the high performance storage for Australian research supercomputers FlashLite and the soon-to-be-released Tinaroo.
"The workshop was very much aimed at the mechanics in the Formula 1 pit crew," said RCC Deputy Director David Green, meaning UQ research institutions’ IT support staff.
"The valuable lessons learnt should greatly improve the experience of using storage on FlashLite and RCC's latest high performance computer, Tinaroo," said David.
Information about Tinaroo will be published in the April issue of RCC News.