Will's Weekly Digest | March 2, 2016
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The Wednesday After Super Tuesday

So yesterday...Whoa. Donald Trump is real, and as much as it bothers me, today's digest is largely dedicated to (bashing) him. Trump was the big winner, strengthening his hold on a still large GOP field. For the Democrats, Hillary Clinton had a strong performance, placing herself ahead of Bernie Sanders. But as long as there is Trump, he will dominate the conversation, and so with here's some foreshadowing for today's digest: Make Donald Drumpf Again.

As always, happy Wednesday and happy reading.

This Day in History

1836 - Texas declares independence from Mexico. What better to coincide with Super Tuesday and the Texas primary than the anniversary of the state's brief tenure as an independent country? Remember the Alamo? As expected, Texas had to fight for independence. Yesterday at the polls they were more docile. We've come a long way in 180 years...although this election cycle does seem filled with quite a bit of looking backwards.


If you haven't seen Jon Oliver's brilliant effort to rebrand the Donald, you need to check out #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain (from But at this point it appears that any effort to stop Trump is too little too late. It's a fascinating and horrifying prospect. 

To me it seems a sad day for the GOP, made sadder by the fact that their self-made monster is in no way a true conservative (from NYTimes). I must say that I agree it is the scorched Earth resistance of Republicans to President Obama that has created the atmosphere in which Trump can thrive, but Trump is no true conservative, he's just a blowhard. And yet with his smashing success yesterday this blowhard has a real chance to be president of the United States. It's time to #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain.

Business Acumen 101

One of Trump's biggest selling points is his business success, and I'll give you that he's done a great job branding himself as a symbol of wealth, but his track record indicates his head start is largely responsible for his success. In fact, he may have turned out even wealthier than he claims to be if he had simply invested his initial fortune in an index fund (from Money Talks). For a fun list of his successful business endeavors, check out the Donald Drumpf homepage. 

The Drumpf of Dinosaurs

From reader Edward in Atlanta comes an article entirely unrelated to politics, and yet very apt: an ancient leviathan (from Washington Post). This is just a fun read about a crocodile the size of a bus, so it's worth a quick scan for fascination's sake, but the election made me realize this leviathan is the Drumpf of Dinosaurs.

So What's Next?

Super Tuesday left Hillary and Trump looking like the strong front runners, but neither is invincible. Ted Cruz won three states including Texas on the GOP side, and Bernie picked up big wins in Colorado and Minnesota. Can Hillary use her momentum to close out Bernie and rally the party behind her? Will the GOP fracture as Trump ascends or coalesce to stop him? I honestly don't know, but in an America that loves quick hitting media and celebrity lifestyle and drama, we are getting what what we've been asking for....yikes. 
Want to meet a puppy with a prematurely impressive yet impressively cute mustache? Well then say hello to Imogen! Like many puppies, Imogen is fearlessly friendly. Though she lives in Memphis with her human Katelyn, but spends quite a bit of time with her grandparents and their dogs in Mississippi. Undeterred by her small stature, she gallantly mimics them. Imogen has developed a strong desire to befriend the family cat whom she follows relentlessly in a futile attempt to exchange furry hugs. Big thanks to Katelyn for sharing Imogen! 

Will's Weekly Trivia! 

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IF you choose to answer the question, respond to with your answer. Please note that by competing you are giving me permission to publish your first name in the trivia leader board each week.


Last Week: Who is the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? Also, what is a quockerwodger? One point awarded for each correct answer. 

Answer: John Roberts is Chief Justice, and a quockerwodger is "a rare  19th century word for a wooden toy which briefly became as a political insult." That answer could be found in this article from last week's digest! 

This Week: After Super Tuesday how many primaries has Marco Rubio won?

For the first time since trivia began there is a tie atop the leader board! Check your spot in the rankings HERE on Willful Intent. 
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