How the Light is shining in the darkness and bringing new life . . .

March 3, 2016
Dear companions of the Road,          

     Yes, it's that time of year again when Nyarafolo believers will be gathering together to celebrate, receive teaching, and encourage each other -- at the annual Nyarafolo Bible Conference, March 10-13. Will you please join us in asking the Lord to make this a rich time of strengthening? This year's theme is "The New Birth," and the speaker is the chaplain at the Baptist Hospital, Issaou Yorou. There are many new believers who need grounding in their faith, and mature believers who need a better understanding about how to live out their new life and bring others to Jesus.
     It's no coincidence that the Gospel of John has just been verified in Nyarafolo, with its clear teaching about that new birth:
Jesus answered him,
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born anew,
he cannot see the kingdom of God."
(John 3:3 RSV)
     And it should not be a surprise that the longer we are here, the more we are aware of the depth of the darkness that continues to keep its citizens in slavery, and does all it can to push back the intruding light. BUT
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (Joh 1:5 TNIV)
     As you read the news below about women and men coming into the light, finding new life in Jesus, thank our King of LIght with us -- and continue to pray for the many who are still suffering and stumbling around in the dark. And let your light shine out, wherever you are!
                              Grateful for the fellowship of all our companions of the Road, walking in the Light,

                                  Linn, for Glenn too

Two years ago:
the women's side at the Tiepogovogo church


the women's side has filled up! Women from surrounding villages are finding new life in Christ, one after the other. What held them back for so long, while men were believing?
     In the Nyarafolo pantheon of gods there is one that is the goddess of fertility, Jamikorigo (much like the Asherah mentioned in the Old Testament). Women are taught to believe that without her protection, they will be barren, their children will be sick and/or die, they themselves will suffer. So they are given pots to keep in their huts, into which they must pour sacrificial offerings regularly. They are required to make frequent animal sacrifices, and on certain days of the week are not allowed to eat certain basic foods, etc. etc. The men who have told us the truth about this goddess would suffer much if found out by traditional religious leaders, but they have bravely shared that this is all a scheme concocted by the men's Sacred Forest group to keep women in subjection. Trained members of that group are the ones with the authority to "speak" with the voice of Jamikorigo, to "reveal" the wickedness of a woman, and to legislate reparation sacrifices (which they, of course, eat).
     More and more women are realizing that this is slavery that is impoverishing them and bringing them suffering rather than healing. When they see the lives of believing women, and with the encouragement of some of their husbands, they are reaching out for freedom in Jesus!

Two weeks ago

another young woman stood up at the end of the bench where I, Linn was sitting, to declare that she had come to church to give herself to Jesus. Her husband is not a believer, but her mother-in-law, Fatou (from Dekokaha), is a mature Christian with a testimony of strength and compassion. Pastor Fouhoton, after talking with her, says she is solid in her faith and knows that in Jesus she now has freedom and protection! Please pray for Polahalachuo (you can call her Polly!), and that her husband will also come to the Light.
     Last Sunday, here in the eastern sector of Ferkessédougou (quartier Gare), Fouhoton oversaw the burning of all the occult paraphernalia of another new believer, Sita. Her suffering had become intense, even though she had spent huge sums to keep Jamikorigo "happy." Now she, too, is free.
     This is indeed an entirely different world than the one most of you reading this letter come from, in the West. The Enemy uses different machinations for different cultures, but always wants prisoners and hates the light. Here, the oppression of the occult is blatant.  Christian workers and believers are often the brunt of curses put on their fields, or their children. They continue to take refuge in their Protector. But the pressure takes its toll. Please pray for their protection and that their light will shine brightly into this dark world!
Zezi Kirisi Kataanna Siɛnrɛ dè,
ZAN juumɔ nɛ̄ bè
And this, being being interpreted, says: The Good News about Jesus Christ, told by John.
   You can see, right there, the need for translation in the language one understands. Now this wonderful gospel, so full of key teaching and powerful imagery, has been verified. Once all corrections are entered, we can print it and put it in the hands of the Nyarafolo! 
     It took eight days (directed by consultant Matthieu Ouattara) of reading the entire book, verse by verse, each one then translated orally by two men from the community hired for this purpose. There were moments of intense discussion, others of delight.  And the power of the Word was demonstrated when one of these temporary helpers, Adama (from M background), told us on the last day that he has been incredibly privileged to participate in this work six times now, to hear this Truth, and wants to come into the Kingdom of God. I told him we have been praying for him, and his response was, "So maybe that's why I keep hearing a Voice inside me!"
     Please pray that he will take that big step with confidence, and grow strong in the faith!  And pray for my team as we prepare the text for printing. I thank God for these men that work so hard
, and ask his protection on them as they do this strategic work. (Last week Moise was out testing some Psalms in the community, and a cart turned right in front of his motorcycle. Praise the Lord his back was not hurt -- but his foot had a deep cut across the top which is still keeping him out of the workplace while it heals.)
Picture below: Adama

Scriptures being used: delight!

Etienne is one of the men being trained as lay preachers at Tiepogovogo. Last month he came to me asking if John's gospel was available yet, and I told him it had not yet been verified but that the draft was in my computer. He needed John 3.1-6 for his sermon on Sunday, so I printed it and gave it to him. Maybe you can imagine our delight as as he read it aloud and explained Jesus' answers to the questions of Nicodemus -- yes, about the necessity of being born again. The discussion about what that meant with the congregation was also truly interesting. And now this is the theme of the Bible conference coming up!

Praise and prayer points:

  • Glenn had a great trip to Bamako where he helped facilitate ANCRe, the Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills Workshop in French. He came back recharged, encouraged by the quality of local Christian workers who participated. The sister of one of them died during the workshop, so they attended the funeral. She had been a captain in the army, and at that military funeral they also had a pastor come and preach; Glenn said the message was evangelistic and given with amazing presence.
  • Pisankaha continues to wait for peaceful resolution. As of Easter it will have been one year since the first attack!
Copyright © 2016 Glenn and Linnea Boese, All rights reserved.        
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B.P. 111, Ferkessédougou
Côte d'Ivoire
West Africa
Phones: (225) (Glenn)
                (225) (Linn)