Global collaborations
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It's Easy to Support Health for All
We have been so lucky to make connections across Calgary and even Canada, people who believe that everyone in the world deserves quality health care. We've been able to make it easy (and fun!) to support the activities of our partners in Uganda, Nepal, and Ethiopia. Find out more...
Workshop in Gondar, Ethiopia

Christine (our ED, C), Harshitha Gunawardena (L), and Christina Disipio (R) were on hand at the University of Gondar in February. Running a workshop created by the Besrour Center of the CFPC, this interactive session introduced faculty to the main concepts in Family Medicine: patient-centered care (listening to the context of how an illness affects someone), comprehensive care (holistic and across all ages), and coordination of care. The participants discussed how this new specialty will fit into their health system, and we met the four pioneers who have signed up to start training right away. We look forward to a long partnership as they begin learning this new discipline, supported by the University of Calgary. GFF hopes to contribute items like learning materials to the project.
Family Medicine in Uganda

Dr. Lillian Mukisa is the second Family Medicine resident from Makerere University in Uganda that is being sponsored by GFF. Having studied in Public Health before training, she is committed to patient-centered care (and will do a research project on this next year). She is an honors student with a real passion for Family Medicine.
Congratulations, Lillian!
RBC has become a major "Health for All" sponsor of our Fun Walk-Run
GFF Walk in their Shoes

GFF is organizing a family-friendly FUN WALK and RUN on Sunday, May 15th, 2016. The 5 km event will be at the Glenmore Resevoir by the sailing club at 10am. We will have family-friendly activities and informative stations about "walking in their shoes" around the world for health care. Find out more here and register here!
Karma Class at Bodhi Tree
Bodhi Tree Yoga Centre is generously hosting a Yang-Yin Yoga karma class for Global Familymed Foundation (GFF) on April 17 from 2 – 3:30 p.m. The class will be Yang Yin, which is half flow followed by lengthy stretching. We are so excited to introduce our friends to the amazing Tree and to be able to gain health benefits while supporting "health for all". Call 403-270-0219
Newfoundland House Concerts

Jill Allison, the Global Health Coordinator for Memorial University, has hosted three concerts for GFF in her home already. Imagine how fun it would be to support our partners activities in Nepal and Uganda with a maritime concert. I wonder if anyone had to kiss the cod? Dr. Russell Dawe is our new Senior Advisor, from MUN and spending time this spring in both Nepal and Uganda.
We appreciate your support of our projects so much, and hope that you've been enjoying our fundraising activities as much as we have! Please reach out to us at to find out how to get involved, to raise funds at your school or workplace, or for a copy of our annual report. You can always make a donation through Canada Helps, with the option to specify what project you want to support, such as:

Help get a doctor working where they're needed most...
Help build a home for training in Uganda...
Help our friends in Nepal, where medicine and equipment is at dangerously low levels...

You can learn more about all of our activities here.
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