Check out this month's news from Agua Viva!
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Guatemala Children's Mission Newsletter                                          APRIL 2016
Pure religion is this: To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction...  James 1.27

Brothers Reunited

We have a new addition to our family here at Agua Viva; his name is Victor. He is 4 years old and is all smiles and energy. Victor is excited to be here with his older brother, Leo, who came to live at Agua Viva two years ago. Even though the boys have been separated for the last few years, little Victor loves his brother and can’t stop hugging him every time they are together.

When Vicror first arrived, he was scared to go to school. His big brother comforted him whenever he cried and told him how he would one day like school. Now he loves English class “because that is Leo’s favorite class”. The boys also love to play soccer together and Leo always kicks the ball away because he knows his brother loves running to bring the ball back to him.

Please pray for Victor and Leo.

Lessons In Responsibility

The boys of Casa David were excited after they asked for a pet and received a beautiful grey bunny. They quickly got together and decided to name him Teddy.

We know that animals can be both therapeutic and a great way to teach responsibility. These boys have jumped right into caring for their new friend. They bring Teddy food and water every day and have learned exactly what kinds of vegetables he likes to eat. The boys have promised to “take extra good care of him”. If they do a good job, there might even be a second bunny in the future!

Another Addition To Our Family

Around Valentine’s Day, the children at Agua Viva were able to witness the birth of a baby calf. The calf’s original name, Cupid, has apparently been changed to “Cariño” (Sweetie). There is never a dull moment at Agua Viva!

First Baptist Academy Testimony

While I was in Guatemala, I had a life changing experience at Agua Viva that I will never forget. I loved meeting all of the children and learning more about their culture. They taught me to be grateful for what I have. They have so little but are constantly smiling and thanking God for everything He has given them. It put things into perspective for me because I rarely think about how blessed I am to live the life I live. My favorite thing about the trip was how much time we had to play and bond with the children. There isn't anything I would change about the trip. I am very excited to go next year!
[Submitted by Isabella from Naples, FL]

Proud Property Owners

Luis, long time guard and gardener at Agua Viva, recently finished paying for a small property purchased from Agua Viva. He has constructed a corrugated metal house on the property for his family. Luis has plans to eventually build a more permanent block home on the property.

Juana, who grew up at Agua Viva and later worked as a teacher at our school, and her husband have also just finished paying off a piece of land. They built a block home on the property and now live there with their three daughters.

Special Message To Our Donors

Many thanks to our donors who partnered with us in the ministry at Agua Viva during 2015.

Regarding your 2015 taxes, Guatemala Children's Mission (GCM) sends a monthly receipt to all contributors for donations made during a given month. These receipts acknowledge the total cumulative amount given for the year as of that particular date and can be used for tax purposes. GCM does not provide separate year end statements unless a contributor makes a specific request for such a receipt. If you wish to receive a year end statement, please e-mail GCM at

Download GCM's 2015 Annual Report


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Agua Viva
P.O. Box 398
Spicer, MN 56288

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Guatemala Children’s Mission is a Florida not-for-profit corporation. It is a 501 (c) (3) organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Guatemala Childrens Mission has no paid officers or directors, and does not employ professional fundraisers. Financial information may be obtained from the Florida Division of Consumer Services. To access their website, type: Florida Division of Consumer Services” and click on Gift Givers Guide,” and then type in Guatemala Children's Mission.” Registration # CH9323.