The wait is over! Week of Cultural Resistance is coming up after the weekend!

“Breathing Life into Legacy” –our theme for this year’s NOCR/WOCR – is an invitation to reflect upon, and honor, the ancestors, mentors, and visionaries who nourish the deep roots of the MCC. As we look to our past, we affirm the knowledges and stories carried by our elders and ourselves –recognizing that our presence is not defined in the singular but rather cultivated in the communal. We encourage ya’ll to breathe life into y(our) legacies by connecting past to present as we dream/create our future(s). In doing so our presence is entrenched in the desire to nourish our existence –giving us life with every breath we take.  

Check out our event flyers below! Clicking on the flyers will link you to the Facebook event pages for event (more to come!), so make sure to check those out to stay on top of all our NoCR developments!


New Location: 220 MLK Jr. Student Union

Open Hours

Monday: 10am - 6pm 
Tuesday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm 

Friday: Noon - 8pm 
MCC & Community Events Calendars


In solidarity,
The Multicultural Community Center

Week of Cultural Resistance Events
We are excited to invite you all to T-shirt Making beyond your Galaxy, first event of the Week of Cultural Resistance! 

As living beings, we all live in our own world with our own galaxy. In this workshop we will channel our innerself and paint our own galaxy onto t-shirts. This workshop will be a place to destress, discover and explore! 

We are asking for all the folks who are planning to attend PLEASE bring a black t-shirt, it doesn’t matter if it’s a little old because you will be transforming it. If you do not have a spare black t-shirt please bring in whatever you can because we will have other cool side projects to do. Your galaxy and t-shirt will be special regardless. We will be providing necessary art supplies and potentially have extra cloth squares for artwork. As a warning this event may be potentially messy so please wear clothing that you are comfortable getting a little dirty.

And of course there will be PIZZA!!! 


Monday, March 7 2pm - 4pm @ the MCC
Introduction to Tai Ji with Qi Gong Foundations

This class will be taught by Grandmaster Dr. Alex Feng PhD, OMD, LAc, a renowned Taoist priest, Qi Gong master, and healer. Dr. Feng will present the fundamentals of the various types of Qi Gong - Taoist, Buddhist, Confucian, martial arts and medical with tai ji applications. Qi gong and tai ji are ancient Taoist practices that promote health, spiritual development and long life.

Dr. Alex Feng, PhD, OMD, LAc, born in China, began practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1976 and was one of the first acupuncture licensees in the state of California. Selected as one of the Top Ten Best Practitioners in the Bay Area by SF Focus Magazine, Dr. Feng founded Zhi Dao Guan, The Taoist Center, that houses his Clinic for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Wu Tao Kuan Martial Arts Institute. 

6:30-8:30pm @ the MCC

This event is free and open to the public!
Come in comfortable clothing 
Food will be served at 8pm

The experience of life holds with it the inevitable experience of trauma. It comes from no specific angle, intergenerational, sexual, identity-based, family-based, but always has the same, consistent result: it hardens any that it comes into contact with. This moment of encounter(s) alters the body, which then molds itself in an attempt to re-shape, re-create, and re-define what it means to "be" after a traumatic experience. While perserverance thereafter can encourage strength, it can also forestall healing. 

Join the Multicultural Community Center on Tuesday, March 8th as we open a discussion around trauma and the practice of self-care. While we acknowledge that the concept of healing is an arduous process with no fixed end date, we want to create a space where the first steps can be taken to explore useful tools towards self-care, a vital ingredient to thrive.
~~ RSVP required: ~~

RISE! is an event for all women* to unapologetically celebrate and honor the work and contributions given by women to our communities. RISE is about highlighting the endeavors and efforts of our women leaders, especially queer women and women of color, as well as appreciating, as a community, the daily functioning, striving and travail of all women as we give to each others lives and rise together. 

The event will include a formal dinner and an award ceremony honoring campus and community women, as well as performances and speakers throughout. March 8th is a day we say thank you to all the important women in our communities. Please join us!

*We welcome all who experience life through the lens of woman in body, spirit, identity past, present, future and fluid.

~ Nominate an amazing women for a Women in Leadership Award by February 21st, 2016:
~ Volunteer at RISE!: 

Sponsored by the Gender Equity Resource Center.
Questions? Email Airin at
ADA Accesible.
How do we breathe life into new legacies of the environment? In what ways can we cultivate multiple paths of caring for ourselves, our communities, and our Earth? 
Please join the Multicultural Community Center on Wednesday, March 9th for a day of activities and workshops as we redefine environmentalism while imagining new legacies of caring and connected relationships to the environment. We invite students, families, and community members of the MCC to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives on the environment with one another.

12pm-2pm: Restorative Candle Making Workshop
For this workshop we will be making beeswax candles that can be used to restore the health and wellness of individuals, communities, and the environment. This event can accommodate only 12 participants so we encourage you to sign up for the event in advance through this Google form:

2pm-4pm: Self-Sustainability Skillshare with Kanchan from Spiral Gardens
This skillshare activity will explore simple practices for self-sustainability. This is a hands-on workshop designed to radically shift thinking about what it means to live well and stay connected to Earth and each other through engaging muscle memory for self-empowerment. The skillshare will cover the following topics: seed saving, medicine making, food preservation, and small scale gardening practices.

6pm-8pm Collective Dialogue and Art Making 
Students and community members are invited to an intergenerational talking circle with youth from Los Angeles-based social and environmental justice organization, Communities for a Better Environment (CBE). For this activity, we encourage folks to envision and express their connection to the environment through art.


  • Healing Circles for the Cal Community at the Multicultural Center, 12PM, Presented by ASUC Senator AB
    • Event will be a healing space for students of color with disabilities.

Was the MCC an important part of your time at Cal? Interested in reconnecting? Want to meet folks who are creating and visioning in the spirit of twLF? If so, join us for our first annual Alumni Gathering! 

It will be fun and amazing! 

Come check-out the new space + get updates!

We'll have delicious food.

Thursday March 8th 6pm-8pm @ the MCC

Kindercaminata is an outreach program for kindergarten students in the Bay Area. We hope to expose students and parents to higher education early by highlighting possible careers through interactive career based workshops and facilitating information based workshops for parents in order to demystify the pathway to college!

Friday March 9th @ 9am
The Multicultural Community Center and Cross Cultural Student Development Office invite you to our 16th Annual Night of Cultural Resistance (you may have noticed last year was the 16th annual as well, turns out we started counting wrong somewhere a long the way so we are correcting that this year! First NoCR was in 2001:) ) We are so excited to host this beautiful event in our space again in the MLK Jr. Student Union! Join us in celebrating and honoring the generations of students who helped fight for the amazing new space we have now. 

Doors open at 5pm!!

Free Awesome NoCR T-Shirts and free Food (Vegan and gluten free options available) First come first serve

Live Performances by:
Mass Bass
Antique Naked Soul
Young Gifted and Black
and more!

Community Building Activiites:
WoCR Art Exhibit!
Face Painting
Seed bombs
and more!