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Maximise March!
Gut bacteria made me do it!
Entertainment tips to maintain your New Year's resolution!
Arm yourself against stress – our top picks!
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Is stress getting in the way of achieving your health goals?

Maximise March!
So it is the end of February and didn’t it do well? Such hot weather - lovely! It appears that March is predicted to be warm too. Not to be outdone by its predecessor, I have spoken with March who has promised to relay us through the next month in warmth and sunshine!  Let’s see if it complies.

Autumn is one of my most favourite seasons. Food is plentiful and people are still enjoying the outdoors life. The leaves are changing colours, the crab apples are forming and the nights are cooling down to allow sleep to return.  An old Irish proverb says that “if you do not sow in the spring you will not reap in the autumn”.

So with this being said DP Herbals is offering a special on herbal infusions, commonly known as herbal teas. Herbal teas are a great way of taking medicinal herbs. Although not as potent as the tinctures or tableted formulated herbals they are most effect for the chronic and long term illness.

All organic and all effective. The choices include:

Sleep tea – Relaxes the nervous system and promotes a deeper and restful sleep. (A talented synergy of herbs!)
Cystitis tea – For irritated and angry bladders. Soothes and promotes healing. (A friend to your frustrated filter!)
Liver cleanse tea – Whose liver needs a little help? Digestive insufficiency, bloating, energy…. highly recommended. (Forgive us liver, please accept this gift)
Kawa kawa, rosehips and liquorice – A cheeky little brew. Warming, uplifting and just plain yummy! (What can I have instead of wine Deirdre? What about this?)
A 100gm bag for $15 instead of $25 for this month only.
Stay well!

Gut bacteria made me do it!

Did you know cravings may also be caused by an imbalance of microflora in your gut? Fantastic – I’m not to blame I hear many of you say! Your gut has little bacteria or microbes which play an essential role in maintaining good digestion. In today’s world, with the way we eat, stress, late nights, drinking, medication etc. it is hard to keep the balance of beneficial types of bacteria living there.

Foods high in dietary fibre are considered ‘prebiotics’, and feed the beneficial bacteria population therefore should be consumed regularly. These include:

Slippery elm, whole grains, onions, bananas, garlic, honey, leeks and artichokes.
If you are craving sugary or processed foods use exercise! Apart from it being a useful tool to regulate blood glucose levels, it also benefits your beneficial bacterial strains to diversify which helps with insulin sensitivity.

So next time you find yourself reaching for that second piece of cake ask yourself “Is it me wanting this or is it my bacteria?” (Not out loud of course! People will think you are infectious.)


Entertainment tips!

It’s difficult to maintain that New year’s resolution into the third month. The first two months are easier as our resolve is still concrete strong. The following months become less so. Here are a couple of tips to help you navigate your way when you are going out with friends.

1. Opt for a protein snack such as a chicken drumstick, crudités’ with avocado or hummus dip instead of that savoury pie or lamington.
2. Drink a mineral water for every alcoholic drink you consume. This helps you remain hydrated and reduces the poor food choices that can accompany overindulging with alcohol. It also stops you from drinking too much.
3. All alcohol has sugar in it but some have less. Choose spirits such as vodka with soda water over sparkling wines and beers, as these have a higher sugar content. Those sugary mixers in spirits should also be avoided.

4. Have your cake and eat it, but just a small piece. Just because you ate one piece doesn’t give you a ticket to reach for a third! If your resolve is not altogether “solid” then perhaps don’t do it at all.

Arm yourself against stress – our top picks!

We all have stress and mostly it is healthy. However, stress is also cumulative, it can build up until it becomes an underlying factor behind a myriad of health conditions.  So what nutrients can you take to promote a robust stress response? Here are our top 4:

Magnesium - Stress reduces your stores of magnesium, and a low level of magnesium in the body may actually make the effects of stress worse! Thankfully help is at home in the form of specific magnesium supplementation. It is important to note that not all magnesium’s are created equal. If in doubt, ask or you may be wasting your money.

B vitamins - Helps to support stress moderating brain chemicals called neurotransmitters which improves the mood and to increase your energy levels

Essential fatty acids - Are an important building block for the brain and nervous system, and can help support healthy mood, memory and concentration – all of which are wiped out with stress. Please, please, please don’t go for the ones in the big bucket! These are not quality and as our cells are not fussy they will incorporate these fats into their membranes (and I will growl!).

Herbs - There is an abundance of calming herbs that work beautifully in this arena – why not use them? Two of the teas mentioned in the intro in this newsletter would be perfect! Tinctures and herbal formulations are also available if tea is not “your thing”.