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iCER Director's Note

Dear MSU Community, 

It has been a busy month at iCER. Our team submitted a collaborative proposal in response to the NSF Big Data Spokes solicitation. Bruno Basso, professor of Geological Sciences, was the lead PI on the proposal, called "Ag-VISOR: An Agricultural Visualization and Informatics System for Operations Research" Associate iCER Director Dhruva Chakrovarty was among several other researchers included on the proposal. 

The iCER team recently added a new System Status page to our website. This addition will expedite the latest information on the operational ability of our high-performance computer to our ever-growing list of users. With one click, anyone can now instantly know about any ongoing changes.

So as the “in like a lion” snowfall keeps us in a winter mindset, and the men’s and women’s basketball teams heat up for their annual March Madness run, I wish you all a happy month, that hopefully goes “out like a lamb.” 
Spartans Will!
Kennie Merz
iCER Director


  • We are closing in on our future cluster upgrade decisions. Stay tuned for more details, including a timeline of the upgrade process.
  • Mapping HPCC drives to campus computers is now available for Windows 10 users! Click here for full details. 
Business News

Don't forget to save the date for the 2016 CI Forum, which will be held this year on Oct. 6. This forum exists to support the implementation and use of cyberinfrastucture (CI) at research institutions.
Please plan to join us at SC16, which is being held in Salt Lake City, Utah, this year from Nov. 13-18. The iCER team will be set up at booth #1543.  
Training News
MATLAB is now available for teaching and research purposes to all MSU departments, faculty, staff and students through an agreement between MATLAB and MSU IT Services. 

This past month, iCER hosted MATLAB engineers, who conducted two seminars on Data Analysis & Visualization with MATLAB and Data Analytics & Machine Learning with MATLAB. Over 100 attendees took advantage about this exciting opportunity.

Other HPC workshops and seminars at iCER this month include:
UND Early Career Big Data Summit 
The University of North Dakota will host the Early Career Big Data Summit next month, from April 6-8. This Big Data event seeks to provide a venue for early career Big Data researchers (graduate students, post docs, and pre-tenure faculty) to connect with Industry, third-sector volunteer groups, and established researchers. You can find more information here
iCER currently has one new position available in the HPCC group. The opening is posted on Please see posting # 2758 for details. 
iCER's on Instagram!
Make sure to follow us, as we continue sharing photos and videos of all the cool stuff we do and the latest HPCC developments. 
Research News

Last month, researchers at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) published a paper confirming the existence of gravitational waves, first theorized by Albert Einstein 100 years ago. One of iCER’s own Research Consultants, Xiaoge Wang, has been involved with this large-scale physics experiment since her days at Beijing’s Tsinghua University in 2009.
“I have a curiosity about the universe, and when I had the chance to take part in this research I said yes right away,” Xiaoge says. “As a computer scientist, this was a way I could contribute to a deeper understanding of astrophysics. I consider myself very lucky to have had this opportunity.”
Xiaoge is part of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, a group of more than 1,000 scientists worldwide who joined together in the search for these gravitational waves. The LIGO Data Grid consists of multiple sites around the globe utilizing tens of thousands of computer cores to run numerical simulations and process and analyze data. Xiaoge said this is the stage of scientific discovery where a computer scientist can play such an integral role.
“True understanding comes from working with researchers in different fields,” Xiaoge says. “I’m very happy to be playing any part in this kind of discovery, even if it’s just a supporting role.”
HPCC featured in
MSU Today

The work of Dr. Chris Adamiwho uses the supercomputer at iCER to evolve digital brains, was recently featured on MSU Today's Faculty Voice section. You can see that story here, and read the original write-up on the iCER website here
This Thursday and Friday, March 10-11, the iCER team will host several dozen local elementary school students who will tour the machine room as part of our annual Science Fair week. This year's theme is “Through the Looking Glass: Adventures in Parallel Land.” Students will visit stations that demonstrate how parallel computing makes a supercomputer “super.” A series of games, videos and one-one-one interaction is planned to pique students interest in and awareness of science and technology.
iCER welcomes you to Open Office Hour each Monday and Thursday from 1–2 p.m. to receive one-on-one help with computational-based issues. 
You can find us in the Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building in Room 1440 ready to help!

Do you know about an event, opportunity, job posting, or general news that would be of interest in our community? Email us at and we will get the word out. All submissions will be posted at the discretion of the iCER Communications Coordinator.

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