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Welcome to the SpringE

From the Headmistress

Dear Parents
It has been a fun week at Springfield. Our new play ground was finally signed off and officially opened by Amy Laney and Fay Hildred from SPA on Monday. We are hugely grateful for all the fundraising over the last few years to enable the purchase of such fantastic new resources for the children. It has certainly been in constant use at playtimes this week.

World Book day was as ever a fun day with lots of book related activities and wonderful costumes. The pleasure of reading and enjoyment of books is a pleasure that has fantastic educational benefits and is one of the best habits we can instil into children.
This evening sees a fun event run by SPA, chocolate bingo, which will be great fun I am sure. Thank you to Fay and all her team for the behind the scenes organisation and bulk purchasing of chocolate.
A gentle reminder: The play equipment should only be used in the school day and under the supervision of staff. We would also remind all parents and children going home at 3.30pm that the school grounds should be clear by 3.50pm to allow grounds to be used by ASC.
Have a super weekend.
Laura Brown

Parents may remember that we sent out an anonymous survey before half term in which we are asking ten short questions about communications at Springfield.  If you haven’t already completed it, we would be very grateful if you would spend five minutes filling it in this weekend.  Many thanks.

World Book Day
On Thursday, all of Year Four joined in with World Book Day. Along with dressing up, the children enjoyed activities from designing new front covers to reading a good book to each other. The children's costumes were very imaginative and colourful. They all had an extremely enjoyable day and recognised the importance of continued reading for us all.

To celebrate World Book Day Year Five took the 'Just So' stories they have been writing to read to the children in Dragonflies. Lots of work had gone into making the stories perfect. They planned them, wrote them, edited them and then finally presented them in beautifully illustrated books. The younger children listened beautifully and we all agreed it was a lovely way to start the day. Next time we would like to hear the Dragonflies read.


Gold Book Awards:
Grace Parry - Ducklings
Alexander Parkes - Tadpoles
Jack Cunningham - Frogs
Ted Banks  - Dragonflies
Olivia Harkness - Year One
Maxie Squire - Year Two
Oscar Carmichael - Year Three
Harry Keenan - Year Four
Ed Power - Year Five
Cara Hughes - Year Six

Headmistress' Award - Sam Ralph and Martha Burdon for their contribution to the Orchestra Day this week.

Fun Filled Frogs
Last week some of the Frogs had the opportunity to take a trip in the school minibus to Clive's Fruit Farm.

We started off by playing on the adventure playground, climbing, sliding, swinging and driving the old tractor. After, we all washed our hands and had a little snack of their freshly produced apple juice and biscuits.

The ducks and chickens eagerly watched us as we enjoyed our snack, so afterwards we thought it would be nice to purchase some food for them to enjoy too. They were very friendly, and some of the children were brave enough to feed  the chickens from their hand.

The peacock was showing off, showing his beautiful tail feathers.
Before we left the children looked into the chicken coups and gathered some eggs to bring back to Springfield. A fun feathered afternoon was had by all.

Our story this week is Three Little Pigs. On Wednesday, unfortunately due to poor weather conditions, we couldn't go out to Forest School so we thought it would be a good idea to bring Forest School into the classroom. Miss Powell created a pretend fire around which the children enjoyed eating sausage sandwiches. Afterwards, they used their imaginations to pretend to toast marshmallows. A fun filled morning had by all.

Weather Data
Over the last week, children in Year Four have begun recording the weather conditions in Britannia Square. Using the new weather station, the children have been inputting the data into a spreadsheet program ready to find patterns and make graphs later in the year.

Netball Report
A combined Year Five and Six Under 11 team played netball against St George’s RC school on Wednesday at Springfield.  Despite the sleet and cold temperatures, the game was fast paced and exciting to watch. Springfield led from the outset with some excellent shooting from Samantha Ralph.  St George’s defended very well and managed to draw the score at half time.  After a closely contested last two quarters, the game finished a draw at 4-4. Well done girls for a great performance. 

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RGS Springfield
Britannia Square

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