A humanitarian tragedy of inexcusable proportions continues to unfold in and around the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to human suffering, the refugee and migration crisis is exacerbating tensions within and between States at a time when the OSCE space is already plagued by the return of divisive politics.
As OSCE Secretary General, I am focused on preventing migration from becoming yet another fault line dividing our countries and societies. We should be all committed to tackling decisively the humanitarian emergency, extending protection to those in need, and addressing the concerns of transit States and receiving communities. I am convinced that we should also look beyond the emergency and address the root causes, such as conflict, economic inequality and climate change.
The OSCE has a tool box that can be adapted to deal with both short-term and long-term challenges. We are here to build bridges and turn the crisis into an opportunity for co-operation and sustainable development.
Lamberto Zannier
OSCE Secretary General